Well, to say it simply, it's been a whirlwind summer. I realized the other day that I have missed church eight of the last ten sundays due to being out of town. Feeeyoooh! I have basically been packing for a trip, been on a trip, or unpacking from a trip for the last two months. As much as I have loved all of our travels and adventures, this travelling girl is ready for autumn and for life to settle down. But, it has been a glorious run. Lia is such an easy going toddler and deals with the changes of travel so well, I am just grateful that we took advantage of this time of year to have some fun!
This past weekend, we celebrated the end of the summer by going on a camping trip with my mom and my brother and his family to Blake Island in the Puget Sound. Since this island is only accessible by boat, it has a fabulous remote feel to it and never gets too crowded! We met up after lunch on Friday before driving down to the Manchester boat lunch where we loaded up all of our gear, PLUS nine people in Tip's boat. Weighed down to almost the water line, we carefully cruised out to the island where we spent the next 24 hours. We had so much fun walking and playing on the beach, watching the deer and raccoons everywhere, making and eating foil dinners, gazing at the Seattle skyline at night, and sleeping in tents so close to the water! What a beautiful place in the Northwest it is...and so close to civilization! Thanks, Tip and Nat, for sharing your boat and weekend with us! Let's do it again next year!
This past weekend, we celebrated the end of the summer by going on a camping trip with my mom and my brother and his family to Blake Island in the Puget Sound. Since this island is only accessible by boat, it has a fabulous remote feel to it and never gets too crowded! We met up after lunch on Friday before driving down to the Manchester boat lunch where we loaded up all of our gear, PLUS nine people in Tip's boat. Weighed down to almost the water line, we carefully cruised out to the island where we spent the next 24 hours. We had so much fun walking and playing on the beach, watching the deer and raccoons everywhere, making and eating foil dinners, gazing at the Seattle skyline at night, and sleeping in tents so close to the water! What a beautiful place in the Northwest it is...and so close to civilization! Thanks, Tip and Nat, for sharing your boat and weekend with us! Let's do it again next year!
This is the sight that I found quickly after arriving at our campsite with all of our loot that we had to haul in from the marina. Everyone sought refuge in the only shade they could find while I set up our tent. (Please note Natalee heavily engrossed in the newly released MockingJay with all of the madness going on around her....an obvious indication of how good it must be).
A close-up of Lia and elder cousin she adores, Brynn.
Our campsite right on the shores of the sound with Seattle off in the distance.
The four adults on some friendly driftwood.
A quintessential Pacific Northwest Photo: The Puget Sound, a Washington state ferry, and Mount Rainier at sunset. Yes, this was one of the views from our campsite! What a way to end the summer....