Thursday, January 27, 2011
Living a Double Life...

Monday, January 24, 2011
At 10:35 tonight...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dear Mr. Sucker...and a few others
So, fast forward nine months. It's now January and a new year...which of course coincides with new year's resolutions. I only made like...two...and one of them was to separate Lia from her beloved friend before her teeth pointed straight out of her face. The whole transition went unbelievably well due to the timely introduction of Iggy into Lia's life the week before the new year. My entire family went up to the cabin in Priest Lake...and with the arrival of my dear niece, Kelsey, came the arrival of Iggy, the stuffed monkey she had chosen during her 5th grade class' white elephant gift exchange in December. When Lia saw this stuffed animal, it was love at first sight. She didn't let go of that animal the entire time we were up there (thanks to Kelsey's willingness to share it 24/7). And when Lia woke up one night while we were there asking for Iggy (and not her sucker), an idea was born.
We immediately found an identical twin online and ordered it. While waiting for it to arrive, we were able to convince Lia that Kelsey had mailed her Iggy...and in exchange, she had to mail off her sucker to another baby that needed it. After several days of discussing this, Iggy came and the sucker was "mailed" off. For the most part, Lia hasn't looked back. A massive sigh of relief was felt in The Hartland and due to that reason it just wouldn't be right if I didn't close this post without a thank you letter addressed to each of the three key players. So without further ado....
Dear Mr. Sucker,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a member of our family these past three years. Your calming and soothing presence has brought hours of peaceful sleep to our home for many, many nights. Words cannot sufficiently express our indebted gratitude to you. Thank you for your loyal service and the faithful friendship you provided to my daughter. You will be missed.
The Hartland mom
Dear Iggy,
This past week of detox would have been a bloody, painful mess without you. Your timely arrival into our lives was heaven sent. Thank you for your willingness to become Lia's new constant companion as I know being toted around the house (by your neck, no less) by a toddler isn't the easiest way to spend your days. We are grateful for your cute, little face and petite size that caused Lia to fall in love with you upon first sight. We hope that this new found relationship will last for years to come. We already consider you one of our own.
The Hartland mom And last, but definitely, not least...
Dear Kelsey,
Where to even begin? Miss Kelsey Elisabeth, you made this whole transition possible. Thank you for your insight in selecting Iggy out of a pile of twenty-some gifts in your classroom last month. I believe that you were guided by a higher source. Thank you for bringing Iggy up to the cabin and, most importantly, for loaning him out to Lia with such selflessness for several days. You helped to create a friendship that made the removal of Mr. Sucker a reality. What would I have done without you?!
I love you!
Aunt Beese
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Walking in a Winter Wonderland...