1. She requests to touch everything! One of her new favorite words is "touchie" and she says it a guhzillion times a day. The cute thing is she will often times request to touch something that she is already holding or a piece of food on her plate that she is supposed to eat. Silly girl.
2. This touching fascination has most definitely permeated into our walks. We don't just go on walks in the neighborhood anymore, we go on "interactive walks" in the neighborhood. She points out a plethora of things she sees and recognizes (bird, dog, tree, leaf, flower, car, truck, bike, etc) and then asks to touch them all. So, you can often times find me picking flowers and pulling leaves off of branches as I am cruising past a stranger's house. Hope they don't mind.
3. Ron and baby invented this favorite past-time of Lia's this month and I love, love, love it. We call it the "ABC Dance" for obvious reasons. Ron and I (and whoever else is present and willing) will sing the ABC song while Lia just goes crazy dancing. She totally gets into it with her feet, legs, arms, head, anything! She dances through the entire song and after we sing "Y," we pause, and then she shouts out, "Z!" at the top of her lungs. So cute!
4. Lia has successfully made it through her first four Sundays in nursery at church. We have stayed in their the first of the two hours , but she has made it through the second hour on her own every single time. She cried a little bit the first two times we left, but now doesn't even notice when we slip out. She just loves the toys...especially the bubble machine. Anytime we now pass the nursery room (it's usually on our "walks" during sacrament meeting), she will start saying bubble over and over again.
5. Her vocabulary development is ON FIRE! She is talking so much. It almost was a part-time job this past month recording all of the new words that she learned. And, it's not only that. Lia has now become this little parrot that will copy the last word in most sentences that we say. It's so funny! In fact, we were in the fabric store yesterday, and some lady in the next aisle said, "I'm sorry" to a woman she bumped into. Without missing a beat, Lia repeats "I'm sorry" with perfect clarity! She had most definitely never said that before...a real sentence complete with a subject and verb. *sniff* The former-English-teacher/mother-in-me is getting a little choked up. :-) Okay, here are the newest members of Lia's word family in no particular order:
back, girl, boy, ribbit (for the sound a frog makes), jama (for pajama), water, all done, all fini (for all finished), sharkie (for shark), she also chomps like a shark (for the "noise" it makes), dolly, sleeping, pillow, stick, sticker, whale, pelican, truck, leaf, tree, hand, knife, fork, spoon, suit (for swimsuit), swimming, pumpkin, shower, grandma, touchie, camel, diaper, peach (or peachie), cup, hair, shell, ockie (for octopus), bread, sauce (for applesauce), booger, jacket, puzzle, church, Jesus, toy, play, hippo, puppy, blanket (but for some reason she says "gimme"), block, house, home, door, tower, open, up, down, clown, hat, egg, phone, head, ride, penguin, eyes, nose, arms, table, chair, bib, cup, gobble gobble (for the turkey noise), eeeow (for the noise a donkey makes), clock, and she howls like a wolf. Feeeeyoooooh! I think I got them all!
6. Lia now will identify words that she sees on store signs or on cereal boxes or where ever by saying "ABC." She also has gotten really good at counting with us as we go up or down the stairs counting each step. She will either say the next number (I say "one" and she says "two") or she will repeat all fourteen numbers with perfect clarity (there are fourteen steps on our stairs).
7. The nurturing mothering side of her is starting to come out. Besides kissing things all the time (she started doing this last month), Lia will now tuck things in bed by laying a blanket over them and saying "night night." She's almost ready to start babysitting! :-)
8. She has become obsessed with sharks. I know, of all the things! Although she still loves her "munny" (stuffed bunny), sharks are currently giving munny some stiff competition. This all started with a little, shark bath toy that we have and Ron teaching her how to chomp like a shark while in the tub. She now cannot get enough of her little Finding Nemo books (that have several pictures of Bruce) and the scene in the movie where Bruce and his buddies bring Marlin and Dorie to their "Sharkaholics Anonymous" meeting in the sunken submarine. Please do not pass judgement on me when you read that I actually pulled out Spielberg's Jaws I movie yesterday so that I could show Lia certain, select scenes. Yes, I know....that shark is a bit more violent than Bruce, but I was running out of new shark material!
9. Lia is getting quite playful. She is now starting to play her own version of hide-and-go-seek. Often times when we are upstairs and I call out for her, she will run to some random corner of some room to hide from me. Another little game she now plays is intentionally lifting her feet up into the air for me to kiss after I place her in the crib. I have been kissing her feet ever since she was a newborn, but now she is helping me in the process. I just love this! She also has learned that she can get "rides" from me by either asking for them or hopping on my back when I am sitting or kneeling on the floor. Before you know it, we are running through the house...Lia the rider and me the horse. Good grief. Where has all my dignity gone?
10. She has also started the habit of just saying my name over and over again...often times when I am right next to her. I don't know if it's a security thing for her or if she is just messing with me. Regardless, she's got me wrapped around her little finger as I always respond.
I just love my Lia!
Here are some pics from this past week....
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