1. Lia continues to work on the art of tantrum throwing. Although she is still not half as bad as what I've seen from others in the throws of the terrible twos, she is most definitely refining them. This past month, she has taken to throwing her tantrums in the living room. It is her location of choice. The tantrum will originate in the kitchen or the family room and then travel to the living room where she finishes it off. Who knows why.
2. Although we tried successfully for many, many months to avoid teaching Lia the word, "no," by using other more polite alternatives like "We don't do that," she managed to pick up the cursed word anyways a few months ago. However, this past month, she has started using it to answer our questions which we have actually found quite helpful in the communication department. However, what I really want to record for posterity is how she says it. I don't think that there ever has been a toddler that says the word, "no," as sweetly and politely and demurely as Lia. Ironic as it is, it is just one of the cutest things she has ever done.
3. Lia has started to delve into the world of imaginary play. She can be found singing to herself and talking in pretend-language while playing with one toy or another. I love catching her in the act before she discovers my eavesdropping. This is just one of those things that makes me smile.4. As of this month, I have officially given up on recording Lia's latest words. She just has SO many now. In fact, people comment all the time on how surprised they are when they learn her age due to the amount of words she uses. I would like to think that she is above par in this department. In addition to having a few hundred words in her vocabulary, she has started to use mini-sentences of 2-4 words on a regular basis (remember that a sentence only needs a subject and a verb....so, they do qualify as sentences)! Examples would be, "Push the button," or "Eat the carrot," or "Baby sleeping." In addition, adjectives ("big" is her favorite), prepositions, and personal pronouns abound.
5. Although Lia has had a coordinating baby pillow in her crib ever since she started using it, she finally discovered it this past month. Why does that happen? She did the same thing with her bunny a few months ago. Anyway, as a result, she has developed a fascination with pillows and talks about this regular household item on a daily basis. She oftentimes insists that it be in sight when placed in her crib and can be found from time to time actually sleeping with her head on it.
6. Ron actually noticed this one and it is now one of his favorites. Lia pushes her hair out of her face all the time now. The funny thing is that her hair isn't always in her face when she does it. I just think it makes her feel all grown-up.
7. This is most definitely my favorite of the month (and I think my mother's, too). Often times, after Lia has settled down from a cry fest whether it was from an owie or from a tantrum, she will then say, "Baby crying." It is too, too funny. She apparently is becoming an expert in pointing out the obvious. I couldn't be more proud.
8. Lia has begun to understand the concept of where her parents are and the main reason why they are gone on a daily basis. Whenever Ron comes home, Lia will shout, "Papa home," and whenever I take her to her babysitters house, she will say, "Mama work." Sharp kid.
9. This is another one of my favorites. One day this month, I started whispering to Lia for a reason I can't remember. However, she immediately started copying me by pretend whispering. Lia does this all the time now whenever I whisper. She apparently doesn't understand me when I do this as she will usually "parrot" the last word of any sentence I say, but doesn't do this when I whisper. It really is so cute to watch as she will just spew out several sentences of mumbo-jumbo in this quiet, serious voice.
10. On her own, Lia has discovered the thrill of jumping or bouncing down the stairs whenever she has an adult hand to hold onto. Thankfully, she hasn't attempted this while walking down the stairs on her own, but will attempt it anytime Ron or I am accompanying her. It often times gets messy as jumping seems to throw off her aim which causes Lia to miss a step here or there, but luckily there is always a firm hand to catch her in the act.
So, there you go, folks...that's it for the month! Until next time...
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