Friday, May 7, 2010

Perfection Payment

This little piece of perfection is what one receives if he or she shows up unannounced in our yard with a lawnmower to attend to our out-of-control grass on a rainy day. Or, at least, that is what my next door neighbor, Nolan, got for his charitable act of service. Come to think of it, maybe charity really wasn't on his mind...could he possibly have been so sick of our pathetic lawn touching his pristine grass that he couldn't take it anymore?! Hmmm. Good question.

Regardless, are there any other takers out there?


  1. Oh my goodness, I'll come!! Actually I just spent two and a half hours mowing on our five acres and not even close to being done! So much mowing to be done here. Luckily David got us a new John Deere.... wouldn't have got very far on our push mower!

    I hate you for making such perfect pies!!!!

  2. What a lucky neighbor! I'd mow your lawn for that beauty!
