Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Saturday with Cirque...

Yesterday, we dropped off Lia at my parents' house and finally cashed in Ron's Valentine's Day gift that he received months ago: tickets to Kooza, the Cirque du Soleil show that is currently in town. Our love and fascination for Cirque goes back many years as we have been seeing their shows together in various states since 2004. We absolutely love the jaw dropping, mind boggling, and death defying tricks and treats of this performing company, and Kooza was no exception! The crazy contortionists, bike-riding tight rope guys, catapulting maniacs ON STILTS, hula hooping wonder, and gravity-defying duo running in the circle wheel all left us stunned and amazed. It was quite the way to spend a Saturday...

Ron and I standing outside of Le Grand Chapiteau minutes before the show began!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's/Father's Day! You fared a little better than Dave, Ron. He got to go to the Bowie Baysox game (our minor league AA baseball team) :)
