Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

Well, we really celebrated Easter on the Saturday before at my parents' house with the brothers and their families. It was a good thing that we chose to hold the hunt on Saturday instead of Sunday as it ended up being a glorious day in the 70 degrees, but horrible rain the next day! We had so much fun being outside, soaking up some of that vitamin D that we haven't had in weeks! My mom put on a stellar Easter egg hunt complete with an equal amount of goodies distributed in designated areas for all of the grandkiddos. After the hunt, we went inside for an Easter feast of champions! After dinner and dessert, it was back outside for some more outdoor play til the sun went down. On the actual holiday, the Hartland fam just went to church and then had a mellow day around the house with the three of us. Lia got her basket full of goodies and then went on a hunt around the house (since it was too wet outside) for some more candy. Needless to say, Ron and I have already begun "helping" her consume all of her Easter sweets. We're really just looking out for the well being of her teeth. I know, I know, such good parents we are...

Here is a pic of the Easter-themed cake I made for our Saturday festivities. Although it didn't quite turn out like I had "envisioned," it tasted divine. I tried out an orange cake recipe with a strawberry mousse filling and my all-time favorite butter creme frosting! I'm still enjoying the leftovers!

Lia beginning her hunt with some Tinkerbell stickers.

Reaching up high for some candy in the sky!

Papa assisting Lia in her hunting endeavors.

Still working hard...
The grand matriarch helping Brynn out in her area.

Riley getting down low to retrieve a candy.

Bryce supervising Garrett with his last piece of candy that gave him a bit of trouble.

The entire gang lined up with their loot!!

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter!


  1. Your cake looks awesome! Can I have the recipe?

  2. Wow that cake looked Gorgeous!! I want your buttercream frosting recipe. I love homemade frosting and never buy the icky store in the tub kind, ha ha. Your Easter gathering looked much more organized and iconic than the Arrowsmith grandkids!
