Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lia's 4 and 1/4 Years Report!

Lia has made it through the first quarter of her fourth year of life.  Goodness.  The time just keeps on flying by.  I took this picture of her today on our front step and I can't get over how grown up she looks in it...like I could ship her off to kindergarten tomorrow and no one would even bat an eye if they saw her walking down the halls of her future school!  I must say that it's been an interesting three months as Lia "adjusted" to be an older sister and not an only child.  We sure have had some ups and downs with this transition, but hopefully we have made it through the worst of it.  So here is an update of what's been going on in the life of Lia these past three months.

1.  As a I just mentioned, there were some rough times with Lia since Logan arrived into our family.  Normally an extremely well behaved, obedient, and kind child, Lia's behavior took a turn for the worst when Logan was around six weeks old.  She started throwing massive tantrums, disobeying us, and physically being very rough with her brother.  This overall behavior continued for about six weeks and luckily started to subside around Logan's three month mark.  I know that this was all a reaction to the monumental change in her life, but I am grateful that it seems like I have my "old girl" back.
2. With the arrival of Logan, Lia finally seemed to find her independence in our home.  She has always been my shadow and preferred to be in the same room as me (and her father when he was home).  However, after Logan's birth, she discovered her bedroom for the first time and now happily spends a lot of time playing alone up there.  I consider this a good change.
3.  One of Lia's favorite activities while in her bedroom is to crawl into her bed with her trusty blanket and "play games."  This usually consists of pretending that she is someone else and having conversations while being this pretend person.  She goes on all sorts of adventures and does all sorts of things (in her mind) while assuming this other identity.  Such a silly girl.
4.  Lia has gotten extremely particular about what clothes she will agree to wear and most of this is based on the texture of the clothing.  She only likes soft clothing now.  So she can either be found wearing her pajamas all day long or cotton pants and leggings with simple cotton shirts.  Basically half of her wardrobe never gets touched any more.  Yes, this is frustrating to me, but a battle that I have learned not to fight.
5.  Lia has become an expert at coloring in the lines of any picture that she is working on.  She picked this up from her older cousins during a trip to Montana in March and has not looked back since.  I love that she no longer just scribbles all over a picture in a matter of seconds.  Instead she will spend many, many minutes carefully coloring every detail of the picture with exactness.
6.  She has also gotten really good at writing letters (and not just the ones in her name) and constantly can be found writing them on pieces of paper or drawing them in the air with her fingers.
7.  Overall Lia has also gotten a lot sillier and enjoys making funny faces or noises or moves with her body.  She loves to giggle with her friends and make them laugh.
8.  Lia is a jumping and leaping maniac and is constantly using the couches in our family room as the platform for all of her aeriel tricks!  She especially enjoys doing this while watching any of her movies as she now will always choose a character to copy (from Simba to Wendy to Snow White) and will mimic their every move and quote every one of their lines throughout the entire movie.  At least she is getting some exercise while watching television.
9.  Although Lia has been a huge fan of the Disney princesses for two years now, she is currently in love with Ariel.  She thinks that she is the little mermaid and that Ron is Prince Eric.  She insists that I call her Ariel on a regular basis and loves to point out "her face" on cups, books, stickers, clothing, etc.  She knows she is kidding, but sure likes to play this game with me.
10.  Lia has wrapped up her first session of swim lessons and second session of ballet lessons and finishes up her year of preschool next week.  We are taking a break from all of this over the summer and will start back up with everything in the fall (swapping out the ballet for gymnastics).  With the exception of having to wear tights for ballet, Lia has seemed to really enjoy all of these "extracurricular" activities and is excited for them to resume in the fall. 

And there you go...

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