A few months ago, Ron and I discussed how fun it would be to take Lia to see
The Nutcracker. After some researching online, I learned how incredibly expensive it would be to take her to see the Pacific Northwest Ballet's version and we both decided that we should wait until Lia is older so that she would appreciate it a bit more. But then I got an idea and began searching around to see if there was a more affordable and local production of the ballet that we could go see. I was happy to learn that there were several to chose from--including three different ones in Tacoma. After selecting the one that performs at Stadium High School's theatre (which is the school I have been fascinated with for years since it looks like Hogwarts, is
right on the sound, and has had movies filmed there!), I waited til the tickets went on sale and bought them the very next day. We have been waiting over a month for this day to arrive when we could take Lia on her special, mommy-daddy-daughter date. In addition, I have been reading Lia a book version of
The Nutcracker every single day this past week so that she would be familiar with the storyline and understand what is going on. Lia was so excited to go and watching her watch this performance was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. Like the time when we saw the Aladdin performance at California Adventure, she asked question after question the entire time. She truly knew what was going on and anticipated the ballet's every move. Lia was so respectful and quiet and clapped every time it was appropriate. I love that we can take her to these kind of events at such a young age and enjoy these experiences with her. In closing, I just want to record some of the adorable things that she said. Right after the "Dance of the Snowflakes" had ended and the ballerinas dressed in white were exiting the stage, Lia said in the sweetest voice, "I loved that! I'm so happy!" And while we were driving home afterwards, I asked Lia what part was her favorite to which she responded, "I loved it so much, I couldn't tell you!" Just hearing those comments made going to the ballet so worth it!

Lia and papa checking out the nutcrackers on sale in the lobby.
The three of us getting ready to head into the theatre.
Daddy and daughter waiting for the show to begin!
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