Monday, August 10, 2015

3 1/2 Years Old Today!

Well, it's my boy's half birthday today.  It's hard to believe that he is officially three and a half years old.  As cute as this kid is, there is a LOT about his 2-year old self that is still going strong in his 3 1/2 year old body.  For starters, Logan still is an absolute expert at throwing tantrums.  He throws them like no body's business and multiple times a day at that.  Most of the time it is due to the fact that he doesn't get his way, but sometimes they are caused by something his older sister does to him.  Regardless, I am getting a little tired of them.  In addition, Logan refuses to potty train.  R.E.F.U.S.E.S.  Yes, he is 3 1/2 years old and has yet to have a single "success" in the toilet.  We can occasionally get him to sit down on the potty for ten seconds for an M&M, but that is it.  He will not wear any of his cool, Thomas the Train or minion underwear.  In fact, the one time to date that I wrestled him to the floor to put a pair of underwear on resulted in him kicking and screaming and ripping the pair off and throwing them across the room within a matter of seconds.  Oh dear.  I don't know what it is going to take to get this boy to buy into the entire thing.  Logan also continues on his journey of a fabulous-eater-gone-bad.  He happily feeds himself any kind of sweet food, but now announces that he "can't eat" most fruits, vegetables, meat, and other savory foods.  As a result, I have to FEED HIM like a baby to get him to eat most of these foods.  As you can see, the 3 1/2 year old Logan can be a LOT of work.
But on a positive note, I still think this kid is the cutest boy around.  I can't get enough of kissing and hugging him.  He really has become a mommy's boy and loves to hold my hand in public settings and asks me to "rock him in the chair" every night after Ron puts him to bed.  He still takes an amazing, 3-hour nap every afternoon and sleeps well at night with the exception on his occasional "night tantrums."  Logan loves his sisters and happily plays with them until Lia hits him (usually as a result of something Logan does to her in the first place) or Ella takes away one of his toys.  Logan still loves all things trucks, trains, and construction site related.  He loves his morning TV time and hanging out on his little couch in the family room with his beloved, blue blanket.  He is a total hoarder and hides his favorite toys of the day (which change daily) in the cushions of his little couch and in his crib.  Sometimes he goes to sleep with so many toys and books in his bed that I am amazed he can fit himself in there!  He also still loves books and would be happy being read to for hours every day.  Logan loves playing outside and being rough and wild.  He is a champ at riding his little bike around the sport's court and enjoys being pushed as high up as he can go on the swing.  Logan has had a pretty good run this summer.  And although he can drive me nuts, I love this kid to pieces!

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