We wrapped up a busy, Easter weekend last night after a few fun events. Saturday we were able to attend our ward's Easter brunch and egg hunt which was a first for all of us. Luckily this ward activity fell right in between Logan's swim lesson and Lia's softball practice. Saturday evening, Lia attended the Women's Broadcast with me for the first time since she is now eight. We went with Bella, her new friend who lives up the hill, and her mom. It was a fun mommy-daughter outing and the girls did a great job listening to the broadcast. We enjoyed donuts and milk afterward. Sunday morning started out with the kids finding what the Easter Bunny brought them followed by a hunt around the house before breakfast and church. We finished up the day with dinner and a second hunt at my parents' house in Issy. Although we have been blessed with some amazing spring weather several years in a row, this Easter turned out to be cold and rainy. So, unfortunately, grandma had to hold her Easter egg hunt in the basement for the first time, but we all survived. It was a wonderful weekend and I'm so glad that we were able to spend some of it with my family.

We were treated to a visit from the Easter bunny at our ward party. Lia was the first kid to jump on the bunny's lap and pose for a picture. I blame this behavior on all the pictures she has taken with Disney princesses and other characters.
We tried to get Ella to pose with Lia and the Easter bunny. She wanted nothing to do with it!
The kids were more than happy to hunt for eggs outside the church after brunch. Here is my boy finding an egg.
Logan and Ella running along looking for more eggs.
Logan spotting another one.
Ella showing off one of her finds.
After Lia finished her hunt, she came over and helped out Ella.
The girls heading out of the flower bed after Ella finished finding all of her eggs.
Our three, cute kiddos after all of their hunting was done.
The bunny wandered outside after the hunt and, once again, Lia found herself sitting on its lap.
On Sunday morning, all three kiddos ended up in our bed before they went downstairs to find their Easter baskets.
After running downstairs together, Logan immediately spotted his Star Wars light saber bubble wand.
Lia immediately screamed over the new kitchen for her AGD doll house!
Lia posing next to her Easter loot.
Ella was hilarious and immediately put on her sunglasses and grabbed her ball and Beanie Boo animal. Here she is all ready to go!
Logan showing off her new nerf gun and bubble wand.
After checking out their baskets, the kiddos began their hunt. Here is Ella finding one of her eggs.
And Lia hunting away.
Lia helping Logan find some of his eggs.
Logan working hard.
Our adorable kids after their hunt was complete!
And the kids hard at work on their third egg hunt of the weekend in grandma's basement. Here is Ella in my old room.
Logan working hard in the storage room.
And Lia looking in the apartment room.
We finished up Sunday evening opening up a few birthday gifts for the March and April birthdays. Here is Ella hugging her new, stuffed elephant with Lia and cousins Vivi and Callie.
Ella giving us her fabulous, camera smile from Callie's lap!