Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Lisa's 42nd Birthday

As much as I do not love turning a year older, I do love the chance to spend the day with loved ones!  So, if I don't focus on the fact that I became one year older yesterday, it was a wonderful birthday.  For the sixth year in a row, my mom asked if she could come down to Puyallup and take the kids and me out for a picnic lunch that she had packed to a local park.  And, once again, we were blessed with beautiful weather!  My mom, Ella, and I drove down to the kids' school where I checked out both Lia and Logan for two hours.  We then drove to one of our favorite parks in town to eat our lunch, play on the playground, and walk by the creek.  I always appreciate this so much as it helps to make my day as a stay-at-home-mom feel a little special since everything else feels the same as any other day on my birthday.  Unfortunately, Ron had to work on the evening of my birthday and all three kids had their swim lessons that we are currently taking twice a week for eight weeks.  As a result, we postponed our evening celebrations for the following night of May 9th.  Par my request, we all went out for dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant in town and then came home for some gift opening and delicious cupcakes that Ron had picked up from the cupcake bakery in town.  Thanks to my mom, Ron, and my kids for helping to make my day feel special and for making me feel so loved!  And, it's on to another year!

The kids and I getting ready to blow out the candles on the mini, lemon meringue pies my mom brought for dessert.

Ella spinning around on one of her favorite toys on the playground.

Logan doing the same!

Ella sliding down the pole.

Lia and Ella climbing on the giant web.

Logan joining his sisters up high.

Grandma and the kiddos out on the dock on the duck pond.

All three kids playing in the creek.

Logan's and Ella's faces as they watched a crane fly by in the sky.

My kiddos and me on our walk.

Logan, Ella, and me eating out at the Thai restaurant.

Lia and papa doing the same.

Getting ready to open my gifts after we returned home.  Ron put the kids in charge of wrapping the gifts.  As a result, I was able to open one that was wrapped inside a Princess Sophia gift bag.  Love it.

Reading a card that Logan made for me.  I just love what an artist he has become.

The kids looking on as I read their family card.

All three kids posing with me before singing "Happy Birthday."

Getting ready to blow out the one candle on my awesome, huge, birthday cupcake.

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