Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day 2019

Par Ron's request, we wrapped up a very quiet and relaxing Father's Day tonight.  When I asked him what he wanted to do on his special day, he thought about it for awhile and then declared he wanted to stay home and eat Filipino food for dinner.  So, we turned down the invitation to join the rest of my family at my brother's house and a graduation party of a former student in Kent to stay home and spend a quiet day together as a family.  After church and naps, I cooked up Ron's favorite dinner of adobo, sinagong, rice, and lumpia which we ate out on the deck because it was such a beautiful evening.  I then treated Ron to a raspberry cream pie (made with raspberries from our garden) before we watched him open up his gifts that were mainly made by the children at school.  It was a nice and relaxing way to celebrate the husband and father in our lives who we love and appreciate so much!  Happy Father's Day, Ron!

The father of four getting ready to dive into dinner!

The three older children gathered around their daddy during the gift opening.

Ron opening up Lia's gift she made at school.

Ron reading Ella's card that she made for him.

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