Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seven Months Old!

It's hard to believe, but our little bug turned seven months old today!  So much has happened this past month.  The biggest is that Emmett is a rolling machine.  He started doing double or triple rolls right before he turned six months old and now he just rolls all over the place.  He also scooches around with his legs (both while laying on his stomach or his back) and can cover some serious distance in a short amount of time.  The days of leaving him on a bed, a couch, or on his changing table alone are long over!  Within a few days of returning home from our trip to Florida last month, I got rid of his bouncy chairs and swing and replaced them with his saucer.  He now spends a lot of time laying on a blanket on the floor playing with toys or sitting in his saucer.  Emmett has also figured out how to get up "on all fours" and will do this from time to time, but it has not become a regular thing yet.  He also has started to eat solid foods on a regular basis.  He eats rice cereal mixed with breast milk for breakfast every morning and a vegetable baby food for dinner.  So far, he has eaten squash, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and beans.  Lia will normally feed him his rice cereal in the morning and Ron or Lia will feed him his baby food in the evening which is a huge help to me.  Emmett seems to be getting the hang of eating off of a spoon and now I need to be better about introducing him to drinking water out of a sippy cup this coming month if I want him to be proficient at this by the time he turns one!  Emmett continues to grow and has officially moved into size 3 diapers and into size 6 to 12 month clothes.  He continues to take 3 or 4 naps a day and has definitely gotten into a routine of being up two to three hours in between naps throughout the day.  He also continues to sleep through the night most nights which is such a relief for me.  If he does wake up, I usually just have to resituate him in his bassinet and plug in his pacifier and he will go right back to sleep.  He is definitely ready to move into a crib, but this meant switching Lia's and Logan's room which was no small task.  My mom helped me paint Lia's room light blue and tan this past week and after Ron installs the chair rail, we can move Logan and Emmett into their new 'boys room' and get him in a crib!  In addition to going on his first trip and first plane flight last month (to Florida), Emmett went to Priest Lake and camping to Cape Disappointment for the first time this month.  He really has traveled well to all of these places and has gotten better at sleeping in the pack 'n play and not waking up as much.  In fact, he slept solid until 5 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. both nights that we were camping which was a huge relief a I had no idea how he would do sleeping in the pack 'n play in a tent.  Emmett continues to be a super happy baby when he is rested and fed.  He smiles all the time and coos and laughs a ton.  We just think that he is the cutest baby ever and just can't get enough of him!!  Love you, Emmy Bemms!

A full length of our cutie.

Another shot of our Emmett smiling.  Just love him.

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