Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019

After one of the craziest and wildest Halloween afternoons I have encountered with the kids fighting, throwing tantrums, and getting in trouble, I somehow managed to get dinner made, feed everyone, get the children dressed in their costumes, and Emmett nursed before heading out the door for pictures on the porch by 6:15.  Feeyooh!  I think it was just too much sugar and too much excitement that caused our household to nearly self-destruct, but most of us managed to get in a good mood once we started trick-or-treating.  Although it has been quite cold, we have been blessed with some of the most beautiful, autumn weather this week with glorious sunshine every day.  As a result, no jackets or umbrellas were needed as we set out to knock on doors on our street.  Ron and Emmett tagged along with us for the first half of the route before throwing in the towel in order to get baby home and warmed up in our house.  However, I must say that Emmett did a great job the entire time that he was out with us.  He looked absolutely adorable in Logan's, old monkey costume and really didn't make a peep the entire time he was following his siblings around int the stroller.  The three older children and I finished off our street before returning home around 7:30 to eat candy, answer the door, pop popcorn, and watch our beloved, Disney's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow movie on the television while baby Emmett just cruised around on the floor.  We called it 'a night' around 9 p.m. after thoroughly enjoying a pleasant, Halloween evening after a very rocky and wild start!

Lia posing as a Southern Belle for the second time in a few days.  I can't get over how tall and grown up she looks in this picture!  Ahhhh!

Logan agreed to put on his awesome, Captain Jack Sparrow wig and hat for the pictures before throwing it off and replacing it with his simpler, pirate hat from last year.  I think he looks pretty awesome in this picture.

After flip flopping between half a dozen princess costumes, Ella settled on Cinderella after coming home from school today.  She then changed her mind to Ariel while I was getting her dressed to which I put the kibosh on since we had already dug through the massive dress-up box to find all of the parts and pieces of this costume.  This caused one of the many tantrums thrown this afternoon.  Luckily, Ella seemed to get over it once we hit the street.

Lia holding sweet, baby Emmett dressed as the cutest monkey in town.

Our annual, kids-on-the-steps picture before trick-or-treating.

A vertical, close-up of the kids.  Please notice Emmett laughing in this picture.  Sometimes he can produce the greatest smiles for pictures!

Mommy and the kiddos standing in front of our neighbor's driveway before knocking on the first door of the evening.

The kids standing in front of Donna's awesome, corn husk/pumpkin statue that she creates every year.

Ringing Donna's door who is the sweetest lady in her 80s who lives up the hill from us.

Ella posing with the 'skeleton tea party' (as she called it) in front of another neighbor's house who goes all out!

The kids posing for me in front of another door with fun decorations before getting some more candy.

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