Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Check Mate

This winter vacation, Ron decided to break out our old chess set in order to teach Logan how to play this complicated and time consuming game.  They have had several 'sessions' over the past few days when they play one game while Ron patiently and painstakingly reviews all of the rules with Logan.  Ella has been quite interested in all of this and will often times stand next to the table to watch them play while Ron goes over which chess pieces can move where and which pieces they can kill.  While listening to Ron explain the rules again this morning, Ella suddenly asked, "Can't you just flick it?" and then reached out and flicked one of the chess pieces across the board knocking down a whole bunch of other ones.  After the initial shock of realizing what she had so boldly done, we all just burst out laughing.  Yes, Ella, that is one way to take out a few chess pieces.  Oh that girl.  She sure is a sassy one.

The cheeky Ella posing for me after Logan and Ron had fixed all of the knocked down pieces on the chess board.

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