Sunday, January 12, 2020

Emmett's 1st Birthday!

We celebrated baby Emmett's first birthday last night with our little family of six, plus my parents.  We had originally scheduled to host his party today since Lia and Ron were supposed to be gone for 12 hours for Lia's first ski lesson of the season.  But after leaving at 6:40 in the morning to catch the ski bus in our town and then driving to four other towns to pick up kids, they finally got within 10 miles of the ski resort before turning around since the highway was closed due to snowy conditions and car accidents.  After being gone over six hours, they came home having accomplished nothing besides spending several hours in a ski bus with 65 other people.  Although this was a major bummer, I decided to make the most of it and made the last minute decision to switch Emmett's party to his actual birthday.  Luckily, my parents were free to join us and so I quickly wrapped his gifts, made his birthday cake, and prepared the dinner.  My parents came at 5 p.m. and we enjoyed a lovely evening together celebrating our baby's first year of life. Emmett seemed to have a good time and loved eating his first piece of cake with loads of frosting on top although he was more interested in the tissue paper and bows during the gift opening portion of the evening. I still can't believe that Emmett really is now one year old now, but I am so grateful that he is a part of our family!

Baby Emmett smiling while sitting in front of his birthday gifts.

The birthday cake I made for Emmett complete with a handmade cake topper.

The gang sitting at the dining room table at the beginning of dinner.

Emmett eating his birthday dinner.

Emmett posing with his siblings before the gift opening began.

A very happy Emmett sitting in his big sister's lap.

Ella asked if she could help open up all of Emmett's gifts.  Here she is opening up the first one--a new set of bath toys.

The birthday boy giving Lia a smile while sitting in my lap.

Ella opening up a new set of board books for Emmett.

Showing off Emmett's new book about narwhals--the animal that I had never heard of until a few years ago and now it is all the rage!

Ella showing off Emmett's new pajamas.

Looking at the adorable, wooden train set from grandma and grandpa.

For some reason, Emmett burst into tears while posing for this picture with his new shirt from grandma and grandpa.

Ella asked to play her own version of "Happy Birthday" on the piano after we finished opening gifts and Emmett decided to help her out with the bass section of the song. :-)

Singing "Happy Birthday" to baby Emmett.

Emmett getting ready to eat the first cupcake of his life.

Giving the frosting a try.

Thinking about taking another bite.

At the end of the party, the older kids went downstairs to play with Logan's trains under grandpa's supervision.

Logan working the train controls.

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