Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pool's Open for Summer!

Although we have owned our above ground pool for two years now, we have never put it up this early in the spring.  After thinking about how we are going to survive the last few weeks of home school without going crazy, I thought of the idea of setting up the pool earlier this spring to help give the children something to do during our long afternoons at home.  After presenting this idea to Ron, he looked into the possibility of purchasing a water heater for our pool that would help the children be able to play in it before the weather really warms up.  After a lot of research and watching a lot of YouTube videos, Ron found an affordable option for sale on Amazon.  However, due the the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon orders for non Prime members are taking up to three weeks to arrive.  After realizing that the water heater would not come for several weeks, we just decided to put the pool up anyways this past Saturday since Ron had the time to take on this massive project.  After working in the rain all morning long with the three older kids' help, they began filling up the pool with the garden hose by lunch time.  Much to my surprise, the pool was completely filled by bedtime that night.  After blowing up the floaties the next day, the children were so excited to play on them in the pool that they decided to put on their swimsuits and give it a go even though the water and the air was really cold.  And much to my surprise, they have headed out to the pool every day since Sunday to play in it regardless of how chilly it is.  They have already spent several hours out there laying on their floaties, splashing around laughing and screaming.  I don't really know what they do out there to entertain themselves for so long, but I am so grateful for the additional entertainment that this pool has already began to provide in our children's lives!

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