Tuesday, August 11, 2020

19 Months Old Today!

Well, this little monkey turned 19 months old today while up at Priest Lake for our family reunion.  This is his last month of being in the "teens" before he moves into the 20-somethings.  It simply is just crazy to me how fast these 19 months of Emmett's life has gone.  Although there are some adorable parts to Emmett that are still so babyish, he really is changing more and more into an active toddler every day.  Plus, he is just such a huge baby!  He is so tall and weighs so much that he really doesn't feel like a baby when you pick him up and carry him around.  
Emmett is so busy and active and just makes messes wherever he goes.  He climbs up on things all the time and gets into things all the time.  He is so busy and I am so grateful for the help of three older siblings who do a really good job keeping an eye on him (except when they are having their 'screen time').  I, honestly, could not do it without the help of all of them.  Emmett has continued to learn some new words this month.  He now says cheese, yes, gog (for goggles), up, ow, eat, and this.  He says "eat" anytime he is hungry and will stand by his high chair while saying this word over and over again.  He continues to be our biggest eater out of all of our children at this age and will eat everything that is given to him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  He also still insists on eating other peoples' food after he is done eating his meal and will eat as many snacks as we will give him throughout the day.  It's no wonder that he is such a big baby!  He also still take two naps a day if I need him to, but also can function just fine on one nap a day.  Emmett continues to need a "pacifier plug in" and/or a brief rocking in the rocking chair most nights in the middle of the night to help him fall back asleep.  However, we have discovered that he sleeps absolutely awful in the pack 'n play as we haven't traveled with him since February when we spent one night at the Great Wolf Lodge.  This has made travelling this summer pretty difficult for me and has zapped me of a ton of my energy which has been lower than normal every since I had to home school three older kids this spring.  :-( 
Emmett continues to love to play with toys and can be found pushing cars and trucks around the house at any given time which is so cute.  He also loves looking at planes in the sky when they fly over head and will stop whatever he is doing to point and look at them.  He also has loved playing in the water this summer and enjoys sitting in my lap while floating in an inner tube, paddling around in the kayak with me, or playing along the shoreline the most.  A funny thing he started doing this month is copying Ella whenever he sees her doing the splits around our house.  Emmett will just stop whatever he is doing to spread his legs as far apart as possible.  He will then stay in this position for several seconds before moving onto something else.  It is so funny!  He has also continued to throw tantrums at times when he is not happy by throwing himself down onto the ground and crying really loudly.  In addition, he has started screaming in a really loud, ear-piercing scream when he is angry with someone or something  Needless to say, this is not a favorite behavior of mine and I will now rebuke him with a strong, "No, No!" which sends him into heartbroken tears. Oh dear.  Although terrible twos are definitely coming, we will take our Emmy any day as we all just love him to pieces and still think that he is the cutest, chunkiest baby around!

Another cheeky shot of my boy who looks so grown up in this picture!

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