Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Memorial Day the Museum...

Since Logan and Ron returned from Man Camp on Sunday of the holiday weekend, it meant that we could go and do something fun as a family on the actual Memorial Day.  Thanks to the pandemic, we haven't been able to visit a children's museum in over a year, so I though that this would be a fun activity--especially since Emmett has never been old enough to appreciate one.  I decided to cough up the "big bucks" to go to the bigger and better and more expensive children's museum in Olympia and made reservations and bought our tickets last week.  After getting up and ready for the day, we left our house at 9:15 to make it to Olympia in time for our 10 o'clock reservations.  As I had imagined, Logan, Ella, and Emmett had the time of their lives running around this massive, interactive museum for 2.5 hours.  It was so fun to watch Emmett enjoying everything and to see that Ella and Logan still have not outgrown anything about this type of experience.  On the other hand, Lia's children's museum days are long over and she found most everything utterly boring.  Luckily, we planned ahead and had her bring the current Percy Jackson novel she is working on at the moment.  Every time we moved rooms, Lia would happily find a new place to sit and read which entertained her for most of the time that we were there.  So, it turned out to be the perfect compromise and it was just nice to have her join us for the morning.  Here are some pictures of our time that we spent there yesterday...

Logan and Ella peaking down at me from the massive bird's nest at the top of the play structure.

Logan joining his big brother and sister in the bird's nest.

Emmett going down the cool, wooden slide in the toddler play area.

Ella posing inside the massive oyster that my mermaid-loving daughters have loved for years.

Ella and Emmett sitting at the mushroom table.

Our three younger kids up in the tree house.

Ron helping the little kids with the massive, tube structure that sends scarves and soft balls flying into the air.

Ella and me ready to send her handmade, hot-air-balloon flying up into the air.

Logan and Emmett driving a police car.

One of the many creative places Lia found to read in.  She literally read while sitting in a dentist chair in the medical play area while Ella attended to her teeth. :-)

Logan and Emmett inside the fire engine.

Logan at the helm of the fire truck.

Logan cruising around the awesome, outdoor track on his beefed up trike.

Ella following close behind.

And Emmett walking along on a little trike that he stole from someone else who had left it at the side of the track.  Oh well, I hope they didn't mind.

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