Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Beginning of Logan's Soccer Season

Although today marked Logan's third soccer game of the season, it was the first one that I was able to take pictures of and document for a blog post.  I had to miss his first game due to being at a XC meet for Lia in Olympia.  Last week, Lia ran early enough in the morning in Tacoma that I was able to make it to Logan's second game in Gig Harbor right as it started at 11:30.  Unfortunately, I forgot my good camera and wasn't able to take any pictures of him.  So, after dropping Lia off at a birthday party and Ella off at play practice today, Emmett and I arrived at Logan's third game right before half time.  Luckily, this game was at our own elementary school, so it made it possible to get the two girls delivered to their activities before watching the second half of Logan's game.  Although Logan is playing on the same soccer team for a third year in a row, he lost his beloved Coach Ben and good friend, Bennett, after Bennett decided to try out football for the first time this fall.  As a result, the team gained a new coach who has asked Logan to play defense 100% of the games so far.  Since Logan's team has a really strong offense, he spends a lot of each game just standing on the field waiting for the ball to come his way.  In years past, Logan has always been able to bounce between offense and defense, so this was an unexpected and disappointing blow this year.  As a result, this might be Logan's last year playing rec soccer as I am thinking of having him transition to a running club in our town since our district does not offer boys XC at the junior high school level.  Regardless, it was good to sit on the sidelines and cheer Logan on.  Luckily, his team was ahead by 11 points and so his coach switched Logan to offense and so I was able to watch him play the remainder of the game in the Right Forward position.  Logan did a great job and handled the ball a bunch and even attempted to score a goal.  I am proud of Logan and the effort that he puts into this game, even when it's in a position that he isn't thrilled about.  We shall see how the rest of the season goes...

Logan chasing after the ball while playing defense.

Logan dribbling the ball down the field.

Kicking the ball back to the other side.

Running down the field after making the change to offense.

A great shot of Logan standing on the field.  I can't get over how tall and grown up his is looking these days.

Logan throwing the ball back into the game.

Chasing after the ball.

Kicking the ball against two opponents.

Logan posing for a picture after his game was over.

Emmett joining his brother for another photo after the game was over.

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