Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween 2023

We just wrapped up our Halloween 2023 this evening.  Luckily, since cross country is now over and soccer and gymnastics were cancelled, everyone was able to come home from school to eat an early dinner and get dressed in their costumes in time for us to head out at 6 p.m.  Ron joined us again for the first time in a few years and accompanied the three younger kids and me around our neighborhood.  Lia waited behind at the house for about 30 minutes for two of her friends from church to join her for trick-or-treating.  Although it was in the low 40s, the rain is not arriving until tomorrow, so we were able to walk our neighborhood in chilly, but dry weather.  The kids had a great time running from door to door collecting their candy before returning back to our house around 7:30.  As tradition, we spent the rest of the evening watching Disney's old-school version of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" while answering the door and gorging out on candy.  Now another successful Halloween is in the books!

Emmett dressed up as Kylo Ren from the newer Star Wars trilogy.

Ella as a beautiful queen.

Logan was a figure in black with a digital, changing face mask.

Lia was a stunning Wednesday Adams who didn't even need a wig to complete her costume!

The Hartland kiddos on our porch steps with our pumpkins.

Mom and the kids ready to head out trick-or-treating.

The kids posing in front of our neighbor's awesome, pumpkin statue that she makes every year.

Our sweet, 92-year old neighbor, Donna, giving the kids candy.

Walking up the hill.

Posing in front of another door in our neighborhood that is always decked out each year.

We luckily ran into Lia with her friends, Alyssa and Suzette, on our way back down the hill.  I was able to snap a picture of them together.

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