Monday, September 9, 2024

First Day of School

After another whirlwind summer, we started off another school year this past week.  Lia, Logan, and Ella all went to their first day of school last Wednesday, September 4th.  After spending a few more days at home with me, Emmett went off to his first day of Kindergarten this morning.  It was very surreal sending my last child off to school after having at least one little person home with me full-time for the past 16.5 years.  Luckily, we started off the school year pretty smoothly.  
Lia was happy to return to her high school where she finally has a decent amount of friends after going to school there for a year.  She was happy to report that she had at least one friend in five of her six classes and four, close running friends to eat lunch with every day.  This was a huge relief to me.
Although he has never liked change, Logan came home after his first day of junior high school completely happy and at ease with all of the changes.  I couldn't believe it and am still trying to figure it out.  Since he qualified for the PAGE (honors) class for all four of his core subjects, he had friends from his 6th grade class in all of his classes, including his two electives.  He also found a few friends from his elementary school to eat lunch with and got a kick out of seeing his dad throughout the day.  I think it will be a fun experience for him to be at the same school with Ron for the next three years.
Ella waltzed off to school on her first day and never looked back.  She got put in the class with Logan's former, 5th grade teacher who has been our all-time favorite at this school.  Ella has hoped and prayed for two years that she would be lucky enough to have Mrs. Lindner as her 5th grade teacher, and was so thrilled when she found out last week that her dream had come true.  And, although Ella only had one friend in this class, she didn't even mind since she was so excited to have Mrs. Linder as her teacher.
After watching his three older siblings go off to school day after day for several years, Emmett was more than ready to start Kindergarten today.  Since his first day of school fell on a Monday, which is our late-start day of the week, Emmett asked me over and over again this morning when he could leave for school.  After getting him all ready to go, we climbed into the van and headed off to school for the 10:30 start time.  Emmett was so excited to walk through the school gate that he barely let me take a picture and a quick video of him after getting out of the car.  He found his friend, Raylan, waiting at the gate and happily walked with him and Ella across the field and through the school doors.  I couldn't get over how little he looked compared to all of the other students.  I stood at the fence the entire time and watched my sweet boy walk across the field towards his new school.  There was definitely a part of me that was sad to see him go, but we both are so ready for this next chapter of his life to begin.  I know that he will do so well in school as he is so ready, emotionally, physically, and academically.  As a result, it was no surprise to find one very happy boy get off the bus today, eager to tell me all about his first day of Kindergarten.  Well done, Emmett.  You are going to do great this year!

11th grade

7th grade

5th grade


Although Logan is catching a ride to school with Ron each morning at 6:30, he is taking the bus home each day to a different stop in our friend, Heather's, neighborhood.

Ella running to me after getting dropped off from the bus after her first day of school.

Ella and Emmett outside of their school before Emmett's first day of Kindergarten.

A happy Emmett running towards me after finishing his first day of school.

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