Friday, January 18, 2019

The First Week

Well, we made it through Emmett's first week of life.  With every baby, I always feel like this is such an accomplishment as that first week is so difficult for so many reasons.  But, overall, with the exception of one problem I am having, this week has really gone smoothly for so many reasons.  First off, it has been so wonderful to have Ron off work for so many days.  He has been home with us ever since Emmett's birth and doesn't have to go back until after the MLK holiday on Tuesday.  He has been such a big help to me--especially with shuttling children to and from school and their activities, helping with breakfasts and lunches, and taking care of the entire bedtime routine.  In addition, Emmett has been such a good baby.  He sleeps most of the day and actually sleeps most of the night.  In fact, he has only woken up for two feedings (instead of three or four) in the middle of the night the past three nights which has been amazing!  When he is awake, he is either nursing or just looking around the room while being held or laying in his bouncy chair.  He is doing such a good job.  Thirdly, the children have adjusted to having a baby in the house really well.  I know that we are still in the "honeymoon phase" and that it could all change in a matter of time, but the kids are all just crazy about Emmett.  They always want to look at him or play with him or hold him.  They are disappointed when he is sleeping and are always eager to help put his pacifier back in his mouth or to tell Ron or me when something is wrong with him.  It is rather precious.  Also, my dear friend, Wendy, arranged for dinners to come to our house from various women in the church every night for nine nights in a row.  It has been such a blessing to not have to worry about cooking and cleaning up from dinner every night and it also has allowed me to focus on Emmett and the rest of the children in the late afternoon/early evening when I am usually busy making dinner.  And, lastly, my postpartum recovery has been going unbelievably well in two of my three usual, "problem areas."  My stitches and hemorrhoids are healing at a much faster pace than they have after my other three deliveries and are causing me very little pain which has been such a relief.  However, my third "problem area" has flared up to a point of almost intolerable pain that I have never experienced.  Although nursing has always been uncomfortable the first two weeks of life with our other three children, it has never gotten this painful.  In the past three days, I have found myself crying, sobbing, screaming, and almost swearing every time I have had to nurse Emmett due to the excruciating pain.  Out of sheer desperation, I went to the doctor's office today with Emmett to have my first appointment ever with a nurse who is also a lactation consultant.  It was kind of humbling after successfully nursing three other children past their first birthday.  I have been so confused as to why this time around has been so much more painful than with our other children.  The nurse informed me that Emmett has a small mouth which prevents him from making a wide latch as easily.  As a result, the majority of his nursing is taking place right on my nipples which has caused all of this extra pain.  Although she gave me some wonderful pointers and provided me with some hope, I still have to deal with feeding this baby while trying to nurse my own nipples back to health which seems almost impossible at this point when I am feeding Emmett so many times a day.
So, with all of that said, it really has been a successful and enjoyable week with the exception of my nursing problem.  If it weren't for that new challenge thrown at me, I would almost be pinching myself to make sure that this wasn't all a dream.  Regardless, we have absolutely grown to love our baby Emmett and think he is the cutest, sweetest, and most adorable baby around.  He is such a blessing in our lives and such an amazing gift from Heavenly Father.
Here are some pictures of Emmett's first week of life...

After Emmett came home last Saturday, Logan saw his pacifier drop out of his mouth while he was asleep in the car seat.  Logan immediately decided that he needed to teach Emmett how to keep his pacifier in his mouth and set out to draw all sorts of pictures on the children's white board to help him with this.  Much to his frustration, Emmett kept on falling asleep before Logan would have the chance to teach him.  Finally, on Monday morning before school, the stars aligned and I was able to carry an awake Emmett in his bouncy chair to Logan's school.  Here is Logan teaching about proper pacifier use.

Logan also taught Emmett how to write all of his siblings' names on the chalkboard side of the easel.  It was the cutest thing to watch.

All three children have loved holding Emmett several times this week.  Here is big brother Logan holding Emmett.

And sweet Ella holding Emmett after ballet class.

And big sister Lia holding Emmett after school.

The kids all wanted to watch me give Emmett his first bath at home on Monday, January 14th.

Emmett had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday, January 15th, and received a clean bill of health from our pediatrician.  Here he is laying on the exam table after the doctor had left the room.  What a sweet baby.  Although I don't have any pictures yet, Emmett also had his baby photos taken on Wednesday, January 16th, and did a fabulous job throughout the entire shoot.

Emmett has already spent many hours sleeping in his grandpa's baby bassinet (that is exactly 80 years old) which is next to my side of the bed.

When he hasn't been sleeping in his bassinet or being held by someone, Emmett has enjoyed spending a lot of time in his bouncy chair downstairs.  Both Ella and Logan have loved being in control of all of the buttons on the bouncy chair and have enjoyed changing the music and the vibration settings every day for Emmett.

A close-up of our cutie.

Emmett has also spent a lot in mama's arms nursing and sleeping and cuddling.  Besides the pain, it has been a little slice of heaven for me.

A close-up of our boy swaddled in one of his blankets which has been the norm for him all week long.

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