Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Winter Trip to Priest Lake

Although it was a bit of a risk to head up to a cabin buried in the snow in the middle of nowhere in the mountains at 36 weeks pregnant, we decided to go for it on December 26th after I drove into Tacoma for an ultrasound and a weekly stress test on the baby.  Although the one doctor I saw on the 26th told me not to go, I decided to ignore her advice (which was pretty easy to do since I really don't get along with her personality) and listen to the advice of two other doctors who I really like and respect and who had both told me in previous weeks that it "should" be fine if we went to the cabin.  So, after packing up on December 26th, we headed out on the morning of the 27th to spend the next five days at Priest Lake.  Luckily, the roads were pretty clear all the way there and back and baby Emmett "stayed put" and decided not to make an early entrance into the world.  We had a glorious time up at the cabin and enjoyed spending time with the cousins and playing in the snow.  In addition, Ron and Lia were able to join the group for their annual ski trip to Schweitzer for the second year in a row.  Lia was able to take another 2-hour lesson in the morning before skiing the rest of the day on the bunny hills with Ron.  I was so happy that they were able to go on this grand, daddy-daughter date without me this year.  We drove back home on New Year's Eve grateful that we were able to make this quick trip out to the cabin to be with family so late in my pregnancy!  However, I must admit that I was super relieved when we pulled up to our house at the end of our drive yesterday and I was finally able to tell myself that we would be having this baby in our local hospital with a doctor who is familiar with this pregnancy and knows my history.

The beautiful sight of untouched snow on the deck overlooking the lake our first morning there.

Logan, Ella, and I enjoyed three days of playing in the snow while Ron and Lia got in two days since they were away skiing for one of them.  I was amazed at how brave and independent all three kids (especially Ella) have gotten with sledding since last year.  All three of them happily rode down the hills on their own sleds over and over again and happily dragged their sleds back up again.  It was especially amazing to watch little Ella do this!  Her independence and courage never ceases to amaze me as she does things her older siblings never would have done at the same age.  Here is Logan getting ready to sled down the hill with some giant snowballs in the back of his sled.

Logan cruising down the hill with his snowballs in back of him.

The Hartland fam annual family picture in the snow.

And another one of us standing.

And another shot courtesy of Brent.

Lia and Ella getting ready to head down the hill with Logan at their side.

Cute Logan giving me a smile before taking off.

Two sisters doing the same.

Uncle Eric giving the girls a push.

For some reason, all three of our children LOVE eating snow and spend a lot of time eating it in between sledding runs down the hill.  Here is little Ella waist deep in snow munching away.

Lia and Ella standing in the deep snow at the side of the sledding hill.

Although it doesn't look like an action shot, this is actually a picture I took of Spencer "posing" for me as he flew down the hill.

And here comes grandma!  How many 76-year old grandmas can you find sledding?

Lia being nice and pulling her little sister back up the hill.

Ella catching a ride down on Vivi's back.

The kids and me hanging out in the snow.

Quite possibly the cutest, 6-year old ever.

Lia striking a pose.

The gang always enjoyed time hanging out in the cabin every evening eating food, playing games, watching movies, completing puzzles, or just goofing around.  Here is a funny pose I found Lia, Kelsey, Spencer, and Riley in one of the evenings that we were there.

We celebrated Callie's 15th birthday on the evening of the 28th.  Here she is about to blow out her candles!

We also did our annual, family gift exchange on the same evening as Callie's birthday.  Here is Lia opening up her gift from Brynn.

Ella opening up her gift from Sarah Mae.

And, lastly, Logan opening up his gift from Trenton while sitting on papa's lap.

On Saturday, December 29th, Lia and Ron left the cabin really early to make the two hour drive to Schweitzer with most of the family.  Like last year, Lia took a two-hour class in the morning and then skied with Ron the rest of the afternoon.  She did a great job and had a fun time!

Lia getting ready to report for "ski school."

A darling picture Rebecca managed to take from the chairlift in front of Lia and Ron as they were working their way up the skill hill.

As tradition, Ron and Lia stopped for hot chocolate at the ski resort restaurant at the end of the day before making the drive back to the cabin.

After a bit of rain on Saturday evening, we were surprised to go out and play in the snow on Sunday with all of the trees bare of most of their snow.  Luckily, the snow on the ground did not melt although it was extra icy.  The kids enjoyed riding the plastic, toboggan sleds down the driveway and the steep hill in front of the cabin that morning.  Here is cute Ella giving me a smile after sledding down the hill.

Lia cruising down the driveway...

and flying down the steep hill in front of the cabin.

Catching some air on her way down!

Since this hill is so steep, the kids really pick up some speed and air going down it.  I was blown away by how brave Ella was going down it over and over again all by herself.  Her trick was to just close her eyes as she went down so that she wouldn't get too scared!  I just couldn't believe it.  Here she is starting off at the top of the hill...

and catching some air on her way down with her eyes closed!  She even crashed into the branches sticking out of the snow (pictured above in the upper, right corner) one time and got some scratches on her face.  However, this didn't prevent her from going right back at it after having her tears wiped away.

Logan taking a turn...

and crashing down at the bottom of the hill.

Ella enjoyed making the long walk down to the beach with grandma on Sunday morning.  Here is the precious picture I managed to get of the two of them as they were about to hold hands and head down the hill/stairs together.

Ella leading the way...

with grandma following.

One more shot of the girls walking down to the beach with the beautiful lake in the background.

Lia racing papa down the sledding hill with Logan on his back.

And, they're off with Lia in the lead.

Logan holding on for dear life as they flew down the hill.

Lia in the front with Logan and papa close behind her.

After Logan had a turn riding on papa's back, we asked Ella if she wanted to have a turn before heading into the cabin for lunch.  She bravely agreed to go with him down the icy and fast hill.  However, while they were sledding down the hill together, Spencer came flying past them distracting Ella.  At the same time, Ron hit a bump and Ella lost her grip on him and went flying off of the sled landing on her face on the hard, icy snow!  Although they had already turned the corner and were out of my sight from the top of the hill, I could hear her screams of real pain the second it happened.  By the time Ron carried her up to me, there was blood on several parts of her face.  The poor thing.  After lots of love and some hot cocoa and stories in the cabin, Ella perked up and was left with some impressive battle wounds to show off to everyone.  Here is the picture I managed to get of her in front of the Christmas tree that evening.  The cuts under her nose and chin were from the crash and the scratches under her left eye were from the branches she ran into while sledding down the hill in front of the cabin.  What a brave girl!!

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