Saturday, May 11, 2019

4 Months Old Today!

Well, our sweet, baby boy has is officially 1/3 through his first year of life!  It's hard to believe as time is really starting to move fast now that he is sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  I just went back and looked at his feeding log and I counted that Emmett has slept through the night 16 times in the last month.  Wow!  In fact, he was totally on a roll and slept through the night every night for an entire week until he caught a cold from his siblings on April 27th which then put a halt to the entire thing for an entire 7 days.  Ugh.  It is amazing what a simple cold can do to a baby's sleeping routine.  However, as of May 5th, he has slept through the night every single night again with the exception of one time.  What a relief!  I can't even begin to stress how much easier this makes my life!  Besides his sleep, Emmett continues to just be a smiling and cooing machine when he is fed and rested.  He is such a smiley baby and people comment on it all the time.  He loves to give these big, open-mouth smiles with his tongue sticking out that make his eyes all squinty.  It is so cute.  He loves 'talking' and now has an almost constant, "bubble beard" on his chain.  As a result, all of his shirts and pajamas are wet under the chin whenever I change him.  Emmett has also started laughing when he thinks that something is really funny.  I think that Ron officially got the first laugh, but Ron, Lia, and I all can get him to laugh if we really work on it and we all just love it!  Emmett is also very active when laying down and loves to kick his legs or lift them up into the air and he also reaches for toys that are hanging above him or around him.  On average, he nurses six times a day and still takes several cat naps in addition to one really long nap in the middle of the day.  The kids are still just crazy about him and love to hold him and interact with him whenever they have the chance.  Emmett also rarely cries now outside of being hungry or tired and so I can go many hours of the day without hearing him cry which is such a welcomed relief from the first few weeks of his life.  Overall, things are starting to get so much easier and Emmett is turning into such a pleasant, happy baby who we all just adore and love to pieces!

Some cute pictures of our 4-month old baby on his special, monthly blanket.

Emmett giving me an open-mouth smile while holding his hands together (one of his new tricks).

And one more pictures of our cutie!

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