Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ella's Preschool Graduation

Our entire family was able to attend Ella's preschool graduation this morning.  Ron was able to go into work late and Lia and Logan missed the first hour of school so that all of us could go and root our preschooler on!  Since I had just pulled down Lia's size 5 bin of clothes from the loft in the garage, Ella decided that she wanted to wear the exact same outfit that Lia wore to her preschool graduation six years ago.  She looked so cute walking into the chapel in her 'new outfit' with her paper, mortarboard cap on her head.  As always, Ella did a great job singing the songs and was absolutely adorable walking up to get her diploma from Pastor Nathan and a hug from Miss Vera.  She has had such a positive experience attending this Lutheran preschool this school year.  She has loved coloring, crafting, writing, singing, and playing on a weekly basis and also being the snack helper/line leader/show-and-tell sharer every month.  She has grown up so much and has just thrived in this environment!  She is definitely ready for Kindergarten!

Ella walking down the aisle to the front of the chapel with the rest of her classmates.

Ella smiling at me while waiting for all of the students to get lined up at the front of the room.

The children singing their first song.

A close-up of Ella singing away!

Ella doing the hand gestures while singing.

Ella waiting in line to get her diploma.

Waving to us while waiting in line.  She just looked so cute up there.

Ella giving Pastor Nathan a 'high five' while getting her diploma.

Hugging her amazing teacher, Miss Vera.

Mama and her four kiddos--three of them official graduates of Celebration Friends Preschool.

Our proud graduate showing off her diploma.

After the program was over, the kids enjoyed cake and juice before heading to school/home.  I was able to get a picture of our three preschool alums with their beloved teacher, Miss Vera.  I absolutely love that all three of our children have shared this wonderful, preschool teacher.  She is seriously one of the kindest and most loving people I have ever known and it has been such a blessing for our children to have had her as their teacher.  Now, if only she wouldn't retire in the next five years and could be Emmett's teacher, life would be perfect!

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