Friday, February 28, 2020

Pierced Ears!

After years of waiting, the long-awaited day finally arrived for Lia to get her ears pierced.  Years ago, when she first asked me about it, I told her that she needed to wait until she was 12 years old.  I just felt that this would be the perfect age since she would be old enough to handle the responsibilities that come with having pierced ears.  In addition, I have always felt like getting one's ears pierced is an appropriate right of passage to becoming a young lady.  So after turning 12 last weekend, I looked at the calendar and discovered that we actually had a free Friday afternoon which is amazing considering how busy we have been this school year now that we have three children involved in after school activities.  Par Lia's request, I coordinated with the mom of her good friend, Elle, who had gotten permission to get her ears double pierced, to meet them at Claire's at the same time.  Since Ron had to work late today, Lia and I met Elle and her mom at the mall at 5 o'clock with the three other children in tow.  After filling out all of the necessary paperwork and choosing hwe earrings, Lia volunteered to have her ears pierced first.  Since Lia has never had a huge tolerance for pain, I worried about how she would handle this entire experience, but to my surprise, she handled it like a champ.  Since both store employees were available to assist, Lia opted to have both of her ears done at the same time.  It was quick and easy and Lia barely flinched.  Afterwards, she was so excited to have her ears pierced that she barely looked back!  Here are some pictures of the big event in Lia's life...

Lia sitting in the 'piercing chair' waiting to get her ears pierced.

The employees getting ready to pierce Lia's ears.

The moment actually happening.

A close-up of Lia's, sparkly earring in her ear after it was all done.

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