Friday, July 24, 2020

Another big blow...

Well, the latest blow of this pandemic happened yesterday while at my parent's cabin in Priest Lake.  Our school district sent out an email announcing that our county's department of heath has declared that it is unsafe to open schools this fall due to the recent increase in numbers of Covid-19.  As a result, school will be back to full-time, online learning at home until it is determined safe to send our children back to school.  Realistically, we could be home schooling for many months or even through the end of the school year as I now think that the people in charge will continue to determine it unsafe to send our kids back to school until a vaccine has been developed and is accessible to all.  As you can imagine, this was another huge blow for me.  To put it simply, home schooling was rough on everyone in my family.  I did not enjoy it and neither did my kids.  The three months at home were hard on all of us and we have ALL loved having a break from homeschooling this summer.  I have loved having all of my children home as we have relaxed, played, and focused on having fun.  We all really needed the break and we were all really looking forward to returning to in-school instruction this fall.  
After our district announced a few weeks ago that we would only be returning to school part-time in September, I decided to have a positive attitude about the entire thing.  I figured that I would take whatever help I could get.  Although it was not my first choice, I was grateful that some of my children's learning would be taking place within the walls of a real classroom.  I was really looking forward to getting back to some sort of routine, to finishing some projects around the house that I never completed last Spring, and to spending some quality time with just my baby before he turns into a full-fledged toddler.  But, alas, none of this is now going to happen.  I am super disappointed and so are all three of my older kids.  I am dreading the start of home schooling all over again and I truly fear that it will last the entire school year.  But, we have no choice and so we must make the most of it.  We will have to start back up with the routine that we came to know so well last Spring and force ourselves to get back into the groove of starting off our day with school at home every morning.  I know that it is really up to me to make sure that my children's education continues this coming school year and that they learn on a daily basis and so I hope and pray that we all can survive until the day when things finally go back to "normal."

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