Monday, August 14, 2023

Moses Lake Open House

After driving past the Moses Lake Temple several times over the past 1.5 years on our way to and from Priest Lake, I learned a few months ago that the Open House dates had been scheduled.  After checking online, I was so pleased to see that we would be driving right by the temple during the Open House days on our way to Priest Lake in August.  Since there was no way that I would make the 7-hour, round-trip drive to take my kids just to see the temple, I was so grateful that the dates had lined up so perfectly.  After leaving Puyallup on Monday morning, we made it to the temple around 1:30 in the afternoon.  I was thankful for the excuse to stop and stretch my legs as I was really starting to feel sleepy after a busy weekend of three Matilda performances while hosting Amy and packing for this trip all while still being pretty sick with the worst cold of my life.  I thoroughly enjoyed walking around this beautiful mini temple with my four children and being able to show them all of the sacred rooms that they will not be able to see in person for several more years.  In addition, we enjoyed admiring many of the local touches (that focus on agriculture which is prevalent all over Eastern Washington) that are located all over the temple.  Overall, it was the perfect way to break up the 8-hour drive to the cabin, and was a wonderful opportunity for me to share with my children a little bit more about the significance of temples in our religion.

The kids standing outside the temple in 100 degree weather.  It was so hot that day!

The kids and me in front of the temple entrance.

A family shot from the side of the temple.

A close-up of my cuties and me.

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