Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Harry Potter: Magic at Play Experience

Since our school district did not get out of school for Christmas break until December 21st this year, the kids did not go back to school until January 4th.  As a result, there were many days that I had to find something for the kids to do after Christmas was over, especially since we did not go to Priest Lake for the first time since 2014 due to the girls having mandatory, Matilda rehearsals.  Thankfully, Ron took the three younger children camping from December 26th to 28th which helped fill up the first few days after Christmas.  I then took Ella to Snohomish to spend the night with Kristina and her girls on December 30th.  Ron then took Logan snowboarding on January 1st while the two girls were at a six hour Matilda practice.  I then took the three younger children to see the movie, Wonka, in the theater on January 2nd and then drove them to Bellevue on January 3rd to attend the Harry Potter: Magic at Play experience that I had discovered online a few weeks early.  Although we had no idea what to expect, this looked like a fun way to spend the last day of Christmas break as we are all big Harry Potter fans.  It turned out to be such a fun experience for all four of us!  This Harry Potter experience is an interactive exhibit that is currently travelling around the country and has stopped in our area for the next few months.  Logan, Ella, Emmett, and I had such a great time walking from one room to another that basically took us through the storyline of the first Harry Potter book.  We had such a fun time seeing what each room contained and what fun and interactive experience was included.  From the Dursley's house to the Great Hall to the quidditch field to the Forbidden Forest, the children and I spent a funfilled 1.5 hours wandering around this exhibit.  We finished off the morning by enjoying some Butterbeer and shopping for some merchandise in the gift shop at the end the exhibit.  We then drove to my parent's house for lunch before driving back home to get Ella and Lia to another Matilda practice that evening.  It was the perfect way to finish off our Christmas vacation!

All three kids standing next to the Privet Drive sign outside of the Dursley's home at the beginning of the experience.

Ella, Emmett, and Logan standing in front of the Dursley's fireplace with all of Harry Potter's Hogwarts letters flying around the room.

All three kids going down the slide that runs over Harry's little bedroom under the stairs.

Ella attempting to push a luggage cart through Platform 9 and 3/4.

The boys giving it a go, too.

The four of us standing around the Hogwart's Express.

The kids waiting to take a boat across the lake to Hogwarts.

All three kids posing inside some of the picture frames on the portrait wall.

All four of us standing at the front of the Great Hall.

Logan sitting under the Sorting Hat.

Ella practicing her "Swish and Flick" on a feather.

Ella stirring a potion while Logan looks on.

Ella playing the darling, catch-a-snitch game found on the Quidditch field.

All three kids throwing some Quaffle balls into the rings to score some points.

Looking for some Patronus animals in the Forbidden Forest with special lanterns that illuminated them on the walls.

Finishing off the experience by playing inside the Weasley's home, The Burrow.

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