Sunday, April 28, 2024

Mommy-Son and Daddy Daughter Dance weekend

In keeping up with their annual tradition, our Stake Primary presidency hosted the mother-son and daddy-daughter dances this weekend.  Although Logan is now one year too old to go to this dance, I convinced him to join us since he just turned twelve a few months ago and could still pass for an 11-year old.  Since it is now our tradition, the two boys and me went out for dinner at Trackside Pizza Friday evening before heading to the stake center for the dance.  Logan was a good sport and played games with Emmett and kept me company in the gym while we watched Emmett dance like a madman and run around the cultural hall for over an hour.  I enjoyed spending this special evening out with just my boys in the midst of a very busy weekend.
Ron took Ella out Saturday evening for their date night.  Since it was the first night of the "Cruise Puyallup" season, Ron really wanted to go driving with Ella to see all of the old cars out in full force.  Luckily, since Ella really enjoys doing this with her dad, she agreed to get her Chick-fil-A dinner "to go" so that they could cruise around town while they ate dinner.  After they were done driving, Ron and Ella went to the church to spend the rest of the evening at the dance.  Ella had a great time dancing with her dad on the dance floor, doing cartwheels during the Soul Train dance line, and winning the limbo contest.

April 26th:
Emmett and I posing for a picture in the living room before heading out for the evening.  He was so excited to go on this date together!

The boys and I enjoying some Trackside pizza.

Since the dance was hula themed, they had a few fun backdrops that we could pose in front of for pictures.

Emmett and Logan enjoying their cupcake treat after first arriving at the dance.

Emmett bowling in the primary room.

Another Hawaiian picture!

Emmett waiting to start the hula hoop contest.

April 27th:
Ella and Ron all dressed up and ready to go.

Ella enjoying her dinner in the car while cruising with dad.

A picture of Ella after they first arrived at the dance.

Enjoying her  cupcake.

Daddy-daughter selfie.

Ella dominating the hula hoop contest.

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