Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The End of Lia's Track Season

Lia wrapped up her sophomore track season today after attending her last track practice.  Although there is still one more meet left this week on Thursday that she could have competed in, Lia had to quit a few days early due to a scheduling conflict with the high school play that she is also participating in.  After having so much fun in Bye Bye Birdie this winter, Lia decided to audition for her school's spring play called Dramafest where five different seniors direct One-Act plays that are performed in mid May.  Originally, Lia was not planning on auditioning for Dramafest due to being in track, but after finishing off the musical on such a positive note, Lia reached out to one of the senior directors and asked if she could audition even though track would overlap with rehearsals by 2.5 weeks.  The director told her to go ahead and try out as long as she included this track conflict on her audition form.  So, right before Spring break, Lia auditioned for Dramafest and found out that she got a lead, female role in one of the five plays.  Her director kindly allowed her to miss the first two weeks of practice with the exception of Fridays when Lia had to skip track practice to attend a rehearsal in the school's theater.  
Since Lia's last track meet was originally scheduled for today, she told her director that she could start attending daily rehearsals on May 1st, which would allow Lia to finish off her track season after her last meet.  However, a few days ago, the track coaches decided to postpone this track meet from April 30th to May 2nd due to a variety of reasons.  Since Lia had already made this commitment to her director, she had to sadly end her track season two days early and miss the last meet.  So, although today was her last official day of track practice, last Wednesday, April 24th was her second and last meet.  Since it was a home meet, all five of us were able to come to her high school after school and work to cheer her on in running the 800 meter race.  Like last week, several of her long-distance running friends ran this event with her.  Lia came in 6th place and ran the race in 2:58 which is six seconds faster than last week's meet.  
Alhtough I am a bit disappointed that her coaches changed the date of the last meet which prevented Lia from having the chance to race one more time, I am so grateful that Lia was able to juggle this spring sport while finishing off Bye Bye Birdie and starting her one-act play (while also rehearsing for Mean Girls three times a week at NWTL).  Juggling theater and running the past two school years along with going to seminary and school and completing homework has been a massive undertaking for Lia, and I am so proud of how hard she has worked to make this all happen.  It has been amazing to watch her juggle all of these obligations her 9th and 10th grade year and I have loved being able to cheer her on while she runs past me on the track or performs in front of me on a stage.  Well done, Lia!  You are truly amazing.

Lia starting off the 800 meter race.

Running past me with Emma at her side.

Lia and a bunch of her friends rounding the first corner of their race.

Lia running past us on her second lap.

Lia giving it her all has she approaches the finish line.

Crossing the finish line.

Lia congratulating her teammates right after the race was over.

A cute group picture of Lia with her close, long-distance running friends from XC and track.  These girls are some of her bestest friends in high school and I am so happy that she met all of them through this wonderful sport.  
From left to right:
Esley, Julie, Erika, Lia, and Hope

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