Monday, March 11, 2019

2 Months Old!

Believe it or not, our little Emmett turned two months old today!  Feeee-yoooh!  This is a major milestone for the baby (and me) because I always feel like this is when our babies begin to turn the corner and life starts to get a little bit easier.  We have started to see some progress in several areas the last few weeks which is so wonderful.  For starters, Emmett had his 2-month check-up this morning and weighs 11 lbs, 8 oz and measure 23.3 inches long.  So, he has gained 3 lbs, 8 oz. since his birth and has grown a littler over 2 inches.  That's kind of amazing.  The biggest accomplishment he has made in the past month is that he has started to smile and coo on a regular basis.  Ron and the kids all got to see him smile long before I did.  I didn't understand why this was happening until Lia pointed out that I am always just trying to feed him or rock him to sleep whenever I am holding him.  The rest of the family has the time to interact and "play" with him whenever they are holding him which resulted in many smiles.  Whenever I would run over to try and see a smile on his face, it would have already disappeared before I got a chance to see it.  Last Thursday, March 7th, when we were spending the afternoon and evening at my parent's house, my mom was able to get him to smile right as I was standing next to her.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was so adorable!  He has this big, open-mouth grin and even sticks his tongue out a bit and his eyes get all squinty.  The very next day, on March 8th, I was able to get Emmett to smile and coo at me many times while I was talking to him while he was laying on my bed.  It just melted my heart!  Since then, I have gotten him to smile at me several times.  He also will coo a lot whenever he is fed and in a good mood when smiling at us.  Sometimes, we are even able to have a "conversation" with him and we will be able to talk back and forth with him for a few minutes before he stops.
In addition, Emmett has continued to nap several times a day with one, long nap during the middle of the day.  He goes to bed every night between 9 and 10 and will wake up for just one or two feedings before 6 a.m.  I sure appreciate the nights when he only wakes up once to eat between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., but it still is not the "norm."  He is nursing well and starting to get chubby cheeks, a round belly, and some fat rolls on his legs.  Emmett is also doing a better job of just laying on the couch, the bed, or a bouncy chair while awake and staying happy for several minutes before getting fussy and wanting to be held.  Sometimes I just can't get to him and there is no one home to help me and so he has to cry and scream for several minutes while I finish my shower or the dishes or folding the laundry which is sad and stressful, but a fact of life when I have to take care of this household and me from time to time!  The children are also still enjoying him so much and still love to hold him, or look at him, or talk to him and they all love to report to me the latest thing that he has done.  It just warms my heart to see how much his siblings love him!  We also have come up with some nicknames for him that we are all using on a regular basis.  Lia (and now Logan and Ella) call him "Emmy Bemms,"  I call him "Emmy Emms" or "Embo," and Ron calls him "Easy E" or "eminem."  Overall, we just love our Emmett and are looking forward to some more fun and positive changes in the months to come!

I am so glad I was able to get this picture as it shows a funny pose that Emmett has done with his arms since he was a brand new baby.  Whenever he is laid down on the changing table and some times other places, he will bend one arm up to his head and straighten out the other arm.  He will then just lay there looking sideways.  It is the funniest thing!

Emmett 2 months old!

A picture I managed to get of Emmett smiling.

One more close-up of our cutie!

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