Monday, December 10, 2012

10 Months Old!

It really has been an eventful month for Logan as he started doing so many new things in the past few weeks.  He now loves opening doors, cupboards, and drawers.  He has learned how to clap, shake his head, and wave "hi" and "bye bye."  He waves all the time and it is just the cutest thing.  Logan popped his fourth tooth on the top of his mouth and his fifth and sixth tooth on the bottom.  He has also developed what I call the "turbo crawl."  When he wants to get somewhere fast, he will tilt his face down to the ground and just cruise with immense speed while he face remains looking downward the entire time.  It is the funniest thing!  Logan normally does this when he sees the dishwasher door open or when he wants to be held by mama or papa at certain times.  He has also started getting upset when toys (or nontoys that are slightly dangerous like knives from the dishwasher) are taken away from him.  Luckily his tantrums only last a few seconds.  Logan became a pro at climbing our stairs this past month as he figured out almost overnight how to climb all fourteen of them.  As a result, the gate went up and his stair climbing days are over.  Sad.  I keep on thinking that I need to take him on an escorted, practice run every day, but I never get around to it.  Logan is still eating lots of different table foods.  In fact, the meat baby food that he eats at dinner time is really the only baby food he consistently has every day at this point.  He is a really good eater and is yet to refuse a single food that we have given him.  And, last, but definitely not least, we finally got Logan back on track in the sleep department.  After seven weeks of poor sleeping due to two colds back to back and the teething of his top, two, middle teeth, we had created a sleeping monster who needed to be rocked back to sleep in the middle of the night.  After letting Logan cry it out (for the first time in our parenting career) for six nights, we got our old baby back who would immediately go back to sleep after having the pacifier placed in his mouth.  It was an ugly few nights, but so worth it in the long run.  Feeeeyoooh!  I am now paranoid about him catching any bug and hope we don't ever have to go through that again!  That's our Logie boy in a nutshell.  He just gets cuter and cuter by the day and I can't wait to celebrate his first Christmas with him!

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