Monday, November 10, 2014

Logan's 2 3/4 Years Old Report

Logan throwing one of his MANY tantrums today after he decided that he was done playing outside in the sunny, 30 degree weather (we lasted less than five minutes).

This is what I get from Logan after asking him to smile and say "cheese" on our way back into the house.

What I get when Logan isn't sure if he is going to smile or cry for me.  Oh well, at least he "tried."

Well, my boy hit his three quarters mark through his second year of life today...and I will admit that I am a bit relieved by that.  Earlier today, I was rocking Ella to sleep in her room and was afforded a few quiet minutes to myself to actually think.  Shocking, I know.  Anyways, I started thinking about Logan and how challenging his behavior has been lately and how I will actually be totally at peace with him turning three instead of being sad at the fact that he is "growing up."  I then wondered how many more months I have until his third birthday and immediately started calculating it in my head.  It was then that I realized that today was his official 3/4 mark.  Holy Cow!  Since I have always done quarterly updates on both Lia and Logan from their second til their fifth birthdays, I am used to anticipating this for quite a few days.  Well, not this totally snuck up on me.  It just goes to show how tired and busy I am with three little ones.  In my opinion, the transition from two children to three children is the transition from busy to crazy.  And I digress...

So, this post is supposed to be about my boy Logan.  Oh my crazy, temperamental Logan.  Physically, I think this kid is the cutest boy around.  His big brown eyes, thick, dark, brown hair, and beautiful smile make my heart melt and stop strangers in their tracks.  No joke.  He can be the sweetest, cutest, funniest little boy around if he chooses to do so, BUT on the flip side, he can be so cranky and awnry.  He still cries a seemingly uncountable amount of times each day due to throwing tantrums, hurting himself, or being teased by his sister.  Logan is wild and loves jumping off of couches, sliding down stairs, running around the house, etc.  He is super active and only sits still when watching T.V. in the morning or sleeping in his crib.  He can be very sweet and obedient, and he can also be extremely disobedient and argumentative.  I never know which way he is going to react to any situation throughout the day which is the main reason why I do not like leaving the house with him.  He has thrown some wicked tantrums (yes, screaming and kicking on the floor) at stores, in parking lots, at church, etc.  However, Logan does have a huge love of life!  He gets excited to do almost anything.  He loves his sisters, reading books, coloring and painting, looking for trains and scoopers everywhere we drive, playing with his little cars, running around outside, watching Bob the Builder, Thomas the Train, Cars, Toy Story, and Elmo.  He still takes an afternoon nap like a champ and sleeps for 11 hours or so each night (although he has "night tantrums" from time to time).  Logan still has a really good appetite and eats most foods.  Logan has really started to learn his ABCs and 123s, but often times confuses the order or skips one.  He has become extremely independent and wants to do everything himself.  Logan still loves any type of tool, machine, etc. and wants to push every button in sight and take everything a part or to bed with him.  Oh, you should see the strange things that end up in his crib on a daily basis!  Although we got rid of the pacifier in September, I am yet to move Logan out of his crib or high chair because I just like being able to trap him as much as I can.  And I haven't even begun to think about potty training.  After my experiences with Lia, I won't even consider doing this until after his third birthday.  Until then...

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got a "handful" boy!! We have so much more in common as a result :)
