Tuesday, November 10, 2015

3 and 3/4 Years Old Today!

These are the pictures I managed to get of my boy today which clearly show his crazy and wild side.  Of this boy.  Well, our Logan Cruz is chugging through his third year of life and hit his three-quarters mark today.  It's hard to believe that he is almost four years old.  As hard as the past 1 and 3/4 years have been, I sure do love this boy.  There is something to be said about sharing challenging and difficult times with someone that really creates a bond between the two of you.  This is how I feel about Logan.  Although he has been a very tough toddler for me, I really do love him to pieces.  And I am happy to say that in the past three months, we have really started to see him turn a corner.  He is not throwing nearly as many tantrums a day, AND when he does, they typically do not last as long (although he still loves to bang his head against the floor or the wall).  And he is also handling the many transitions of day-to-day life much more smoothly.  So, maybe we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel on his "terrible twos?"  Who knows.  Time will only tell.  In addition, Logan has officially been potty trained for two months and has done a GREAT job!  He still has only had one accident during his waking hours and only two while taking his afternoon nap.  I'm so proud of him!  And, while Lia and I were in California last month, Ron and my parents got him to start going #2 in the potty 100% of the time which was a welcome change!  Logan has also done a great job attending preschool every week and rarely puts up a fuss when I tell him that it is time to go in the morning.  He behaves really well at everyone else's home and is always excited to show me what he made while he was there.  This is massive relief to me.  As for other things, Logan still is taking an afternoon nap most days of the week.  On the days that he doesn't fall asleep, he stays in his crib and plays quietly for 2-3 hours which is also such a relief to me.  Logan still loves for me to "rock him in the chair" every night after Ron puts him to bed.  I get to hold him like a baby in my lap and just rock him back and forth.  He now regularily talks about not wanting to grow up because he knows that we won't be able to do this anymore once he gets too big.  It's really quite sweet.  He is doing a decent job eating most food put before him every day, but unfortunately still insists on being spoon fed anything that he does not like to eat which is a total inconvenience to me.  Oh well.  I'm hoping he will outgrow this soon.  Logan still loves all things truck, train, plane, and construction site.  He is fascinated with all sports that involve balls and loves throwing a ball back and forth.  I can't wait to sign him up for some organized sports in the next year of two.  Logan has gotten really protective of his bedroom and all of his toys from baby Ella and unfortunately does not like her in his room or near anything he owns.  So, this causes lots of tears on her part which is sad.  Logan still loves his morning TV time and can be found happily nestled into the pillows on his small couch in the family room on any day that he doesn't have preschool.  He is still a hoarder of his favorite-toys-of-the-day (which changes daily) and they can be found stockpiled in his couch or in his bed at any given moment.  Logan says funny things all the time and asks tons of questions.  He sure does make Ron, Lia, and I laugh every day and I can never get enough of his big, brown eyes!  Love you, Logan Cruz!  

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