Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Lia's Spring Concert

As the school year comes to an end, the calendar whips into high gear as we have many activities and sports finishing up for the school year.  The first of several events in the next 2.5 weeks was Lia's Spring Concert tonight.  Since Ella had her first 3.5 hour team gymnastics practice in Auburn tonight, I had to drive her up to her new gym and could only stay for 30 minutes before heading home in horrible, rush hour traffic that is now sadly going to be a part of my life on a weekly basis.  Since Ron had to work late, we had to skip Logan's swim lesson (which I was not happy about) in order to get Lia to her school by 6:15 for her 7 p.m. choir concert.  After dropping her off and parking, the boys and I headed into her gym to find our seats and then waited 45 minutes until her concert began.  Luckily, Emmett managed to hang in there for both the waiting period before the concert and then the one hour long concert which is kind of amazing for a 3-year old boy.  Lia's choral group was the last one to perform in the line up and they did a wonderful job singing their three songs.  Lia has thoroughly enjoyed being in choir this year and has made some wonderful friends  Although she has to drop it next year since she only has room in her schedule for one elective (which is drama, of course), I hope that she can circle back around to singing in choir classes in high school as I know that it will help her get chosen to participate in high school musicals which is one of her greatest dreams! 

Since Lia stood behind the piano the entire time she was on stage singing, I wasn't able to get a good picture of her.  You can just see the top of her head directly above the piano in this picture.

A close-up of my singing girl after the concert was over!  Good job, Lia!

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