Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Ella's & Logan's Pinewood Derby

The one and only pinewood derby that Lia got to compete in was back in 2019 when Emmett was just a few months old.  Since our primary presidency did not schedule another one for 2020 before the pandemic hit, Logan and Ella have never been able to participate in one.  This has been a major bummer for Logan since he is already 10 years old and missed out on racing a car during his 8th and 9th year.  In addition, Logan and his dad made this amazing pirate-themed pinewood derby car back at the beginning of the pandemic when everyone had lots of free time and little to do.  As a result, Logan has basically waited two years to race his car.  So one can imagine the excitement when the new primary presidency passed out invitations and car kits at church about a month ago.  Although I couldn't believe that they planned one for the summer when people are out of town, I was just so grateful that it was scheduled for an evening between the four days that we are home between our two big July trips.  Luckily, since Ron had already made Logan's car two years ago, he only had to make Ella's before we left on our trip for Priest Lake.  Ella chose to go with a princess theme and painted her car in her favorite colors of seafoam and lavender with a sparkle paint on top and princess stickers.  I must say, it looked rather cute.  While watching Ron make Ella's car, Emmett, of course, decided that he wanted in on the fun and so Ron whipped up an extra car with a spare block of wood in the shed that Emmett painted with silver and green and covered with sports stickers afterwards.  Needless to say, the kids were all super excited when all three of their finished cars were lined up in a row on the kitchen counter.
We showed up to the church last night to find the gym decked out in the cutest, pinewood derby decorations that I have ever seen.  Our primary presidency really did a great job planning and preparing for this event.  The track was up with a score board on a large TV, all of the food on the snack table was car themed, and the cars were placed on a table with a "parking lot" themed board.  After having all three of our cars weighed, we registered them for the race and they even let Emmett participate.  Logan's car was named "Cruisin' the High Seas Hartley," Ella's car was named "Princess Ella," and Emmett's car was named "Emmett McQueen."  The kids then had the greatest time competed in six different heats and had so much fun watching their cars race down the track.  Emmett was the most enthusiastic of all and thoroughly entertained the audience with his screams and yelps and running his car back and forth.  Unfortunately, our three cars were not the fastest, but Logan's car won the "Most Creative" award out of the entire group which was great since that was what he and Ron were going after when they made it two years ago.  Overall, the kids had a great experience and I am just so grateful that they had the chance to compete in one pinewood derby during their primary years.

The darling "parking lot" board that the kids placed their cars on when they were not racing.

Ron giving Emmett his car to put on the race track.

Ella and Emmett watching their cars race past the finish line.

Logan watching his car come down the track with the other kids in his heat.

Logan receiving the "Most Creative" certificate from our primary president, Sister Gibson.

Logan standing next to the two other girls who won certificates for "Best Paint Job" and "Best Effort."

Three siblings showing off their cars at the end of the race.  Well done, you guys!

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