Saturday, July 13, 2024

July Family Trip to Priest Lake

After spending the 4th of July at Lake Sammamish with my family and getting home at 11:30 that night, we turned around and left for Priest Lake the next morning.  Since Lia was in Africa, we made our annual July trip without her this year.  The five of us joined my parents at the cabin, which made for a very quiet and relaxing week.  We were blessed with temperatures in the high 90s and low 100s all week long, so we had amazing weather and enjoyed watching the temperature on the dock thermometer go from 70 to 77 degrees during our time there.  Although my dad got very sick while we were there (which turned out to be Covid), he stayed hidden in one of the bedrooms all week long.  Luckily, the rest of the us stayed healthy and enjoyed daily swims, water skiing, and boating trips to other beaches on the North end of the lake.  We had a great time and can't wait to return next month with Lia to spend another week with all of the cousins!

Although Logan, Ella, and Ron only went water skiing two mornings, I enjoyed going every morning after putting the boat in after we arrived.  Here is a picture I took of Logan in the middle of the lake after my morning ski.  Look at that glassy water!

Ron skiing outside of the wake.

Ella loved cruising around on the paddleboard every day.

All three kids loved playing on the water mat.  Here is a hilarious action shot I got of Emmett leaping off of the dock to join Ella and Logan.

All three kids rolling around.

I was finally able to convince Logan and Ella to try to water ski two times this week after they have both taken a break for a few years due to purchasing our own pair of used, trainer water skis.  Unfortunately, we had to figure out how to use the new rope attached to these skis and had a difficult time getting both of them up on the first morning.  After switching out the rope the second morning, both of them got up three times before falling.  Since I was driving the boat both mornings for Logan, I wasn't able to get any action shots of him skiing before he fell.  So, this picture is the best one I was able to get of him getting ready to try with my mom helping him. 

Since Ron decided to help Ella in the water on the second day, my mom agreed to drive the boat so that I could get a few pictures of her after she got up.  Here she is getting up with Ron and the dock behind her.

We spent two mornings playing on the beautiful beach past Canoe Point.  Here are all three kids at the front of the boat as we headed into this beautiful bay.

All three kids on the beach after we got out of the boat.

The only family picture we managed to take all week long.

The kids loved throwing the football around with Ron in the shallow water on this beach.

Ella doing one of her beautiful cartwheels on the beach.

A picture Ron took of me water skiing on beautiful, smooth water on one of the mornings we went out.

After Ron allowed Logan to drive his Suburban while camping at the Alvord Dessert last month, he asked if he could drive the boat, too.  I let him drive us from the dock to the mouth of the thorofare on the morning that we boated up part of the way.  He did a great job and thoroughly enjoyed driving it.

Ron and the kids hiding under the umbrella while we boated up part of the thorofare to Upper Priest Lake.

Since the kids were not interested in making the long trip to Upper Priest Lake on a very hot morning, we eventually turned around and went to the beach at the mouth of the thorofare.  We spent a fun morning there playing in the water...

and building sand castles.

I enjoyed paddling around in the kayak several times this week.  Here is Logan joining me for a picture.

The kids all enjoyed making elaborate creations with wood, pinecones, moss, and other items from the beach and forest on our second morning at Canoe Point.  Ella and Emmett built neighboring ferry houses with my help behind a log on the beach.

Logan made both a small and massive pirate ship on the beach.  Although we have been making ferry houses for years, no one has ever made ships before.  So, it was fun to watch Ron and Logan create these masterpieces.

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