Tuesday, December 22, 2009

22 Months Review!

Well, Lia hit her 22 month mark today. We are basically staring at her second birthday in the face at this point. So hard to believe. Lia is such a happy, energetic little girl that just brings smiles and laughter into our home on a daily basis. What a joy it is to be her parents! Here is a quick blow-by-blow of her developments the last month.

1. Lia found her first freckle and it is just the cutest thing. It is located at the top of her foot/front of her ankle on her right leg. When she first found it, I was sitting right next to her and she immediately thought it was an "owie." After I corrected her and told her it was a freckle, she started calling it a "circle." We finally got it straight and now we discuss and locate her freckle on a daily basis. She especially loves it when I kiss it!
2. Lia is obsessed with flushing toilets. Up until recently, she would go into one of our bathrooms and start flushing the toilet over and over again. Me no likey as we pay for every flush in our house! :-) However, we have recently gotten this under control as Lia is the designated flusher whenever I use the toilet for myself or one of her dirty diapers. Bet you really wanted to know that...
3. Thanks to Ron, Lia has fallen in love with having circles, triangles, squares, etc. drawn on her hands with ballpoint pens. She can often times be found requesting a shape with pen in hand. However, my dad truly took it to a new level the other day when he started drawing shapes on her belly. Is this going to lead to a full-body tattoo one day?
4. Lia has developed an aversion towards all things dirty. She constantly points out "messes" now and requests to have her dirty hands cleaned off half way through meals.
5. Since we TRY to keep Lia's pacifier sucking to her bed only (it doesn't always work), she is in the habit of taking it out once we pick her up out of the crib. However, she has gotten a little fancy on us and will now spit it out instead of taking it out with her fingers. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's so funny.
6. Lia discovered a new sport while hanging out in our bathroom recently. She enjoys "riding the tub" while waiting for me whenever we are in there together. If you don't know what "riding the tub means," just think of what riding a horse looks like and then substitute the horse for a tub.
7. Lia has developed an interest in certain songs and will now request them by saying the title. Her current favorites are "Jingle Bells," "Rockabye Baby," and "Twinkle Twinkle."
8. Lia's talking is out of control. She talks all the time. In fact, it has gotten to the point where I just expect her to talk out all of her wishes, concerns, and desires. I am not even going to attempt to record her new words of the past month, but some favorite sayings of mine are "Baby funny" when she thinks she is, well, funny, and "Carry you" and "Help you" when she really means "Carry me" and "Help me."
9. For some reason, Lia has developed a desire to take off her sleeper pajamas in the morning after breakfast. She can be found requesting, "Off," while tugging at her zipper. When I do give in, Lia then freely frolics around the house in her diapers while it is 30 degrees outside. Makes sense to me.
10. Lia has gotten to know some of her board books so well that she can quote some of the lines from specific pages while we are reading them together. In fact, she sometimes also uses these quotes to request reading the books in the first place. Such a smart baby.

The theme for the month's pictures are unusual spots where I have found Lia sitting:

1. In her baby doll's stroller while coloring.

2. In one of my baskets that she "drove" (like a car) into the kitchen.

3. On the coffee table that she dragged up right next to the TV where she watches Nemo while frying her eyes out.

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