Thursday, June 30, 2016

2 and 1/3 Years Old Today!

Oh, this little girl.  I have never had such a fearless, independent, sassy two-year old in my life!  Ella Avalon just keeps us on our toes and cracks us up on a daily basis.  I never ended up doing an update for her 2nd birthday (sorry, Ella!), so it has actually been six months since her last report.  Ella is nonstop go, go, go.  She runs everywhere which is just the funniest thing as her thin, brown hair constantly flows behind her as she runs.  She is obsessed with swimsuits and pretty dresses and can be found putting on several different ones a day.  In fact, she is extremely proficient at dressing herself which is also something I have never had in a child this young before.  Ella has to constantly keep up with her older brother and sister.  Anything they want, she wants.  Anything they say, she says...and she normally screams it instead of just saying it in a normal volume.  Ella loves cute, little things and especially likes to kiss pictures of cute, little animals in her storybooks.  It is so funny!  She loves baby dolls, stuffed animals, and Disney princesses.  Ella especially loves her soft, pink blanket and her ya-ya.  She still sneaks upstairs several times a day to fish one out from her crib and then proudly comes back downstairs with it in her mouth.  She is going to have a hard time saying goodbye to the pacifier when we decide that the time has come to give it up!  Ella still does not show much of an interest in television which I attribute to the fact that she is too busy to ever sit down and watch something.  However, when she does, she likes watching Elmo shows and our potty training movie called "Potty Power."  Ella also enjoys "coloring" pictures and drawing on paper--especially when she sees her siblings doing it.  She loves having stories read to her and being held by her mommy.  Ella has loved the recent, warm weather and jumps at any opportunity to wear a swimsuit outside to play in the baby pool or on the beach.  She continues to sleep well at night and take a long, afternoon nap every day.  She is still a little picky with some meat and vegetables, but for the most part does a pretty good job eating food.  And that's my baby girl (who is growing up way too fast) in a nutshell!  Love you, Ellie B!

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