Friday, July 12, 2019

Eating Solid Foods!

The big milestone that comes with our baby's first, half birthday is always the arrival of solid foods in their lives!  As with our other children, Ron got to feed Emmett his first food of baby, rice cereal mixed with breast milk while all of our other children stood around and watched with excitement.  Lia took the video of the entire thing while I snapped the pictures and Logan and Ella swirled around Emmett and Ron like whirling dervishes.  Logan was also very excited to pull his old, monkey-pirate bib out of the drawer and put on his little brother.  Luckily, Emmett was able to handle the chaos (unlike Ella's first experience when she burst into tears after the first few bites) and actually ate most of the cereal before deciding he was done.  He did a pretty decent job figuring out how to eat from a spoon and swallow his food.  Overall, I would say that his first attempt was a success and the beginning of eating solid foods for the rest of his life!

Emmett getting ready to take one of his first bites of food.

Trying to figure out if he likes the taste of the food or not.

Taking another bite from daddy.

Making a funny face after eating another spoonful.

And making another funny face while eating some rice cereal.

And finishing off another bite with a large squawk!

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