Friday, September 20, 2019

Look Who's Crawling?!

Although our little guy has been doing his own version of crawling for the past several weeks now, he was yet to perfect the traditional crawl when his hands and knees move in sync with each other.  However, this apparently happened the past two days when Ron had evening supervision both Tuesday and Wednesday night at work.  Since I just live my life as a whirling dervish these days, I rarely take the time to just sit down and watch what Emmett is doing.  When I am interacting with him, I am usually nursing him, feeding him, bathing him, changing his diaper, dressing him, or carrying him.  It's a sad, but true, fact of life as the mother of four children.  As a result, I did not notice any change in Emmett's movement during this little window of time.  However, since Ron normally comes home from work and lays on the couch while I make dinner and do the dishes, he often times notices these changes in Emmett's life before I do. :-(  Anyways, after being gone the last two evenings, Ron was home last night and was upstairs with the children getting the older three ready for bed while Emmett crawled around waiting for me to finish the dinner dishes.  It was during this time that they were all hanging out in Logan's room after story time and noticed that Emmett was REALLY crawling.  The kids quickly called me in to see and, sure enough, our baby had finally figured it out!  He was crawling with 100% proficiency and it was just the cutest thing!  Here are some pictures I managed to get a few days later of Emmett showing off his mad, crawling skills.

Emmett thinking about crawling over to me.

And, he's off!

Coming my way.

Sticking out his tongue while coming over to me.

Crawling while making a funny face.

He made it!  Emmett collapsing on the floor after reaching the toy I was using as "bait" to get him to crawl towards me.

Emmett also showing off his mad, sitting skills while playing with the toy.

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