Monday, November 11, 2019

10 Months Old!

This little turkey of ours turned 10 months old today!  I just can't believe how fast this first year of his life has gone by.  With the busyness that always comes with the holiday season, Emmett is going to be turning one years old before I know it.  Wah!  Baby Emmett has continued to grow and progress this past month.  He is still a crawling and standing machine, but has yet to really start standing on his own without holding onto a piece of furniture or someone's hand.  I am really fine with this as I would like to get the Christmas tree down before he starts walking!  Emmett crawls all over the house and has discovered the stairs this past month.  When we stand behind him, he will crawl up as many stairs as we allow him to.  He also has developed a type of "turbo crawl" where he will crawl super fast when he wants to get to a toy or something else laying on the ground that has caught his eye.  It's super cute.  Emmett has also replaced baby food with regular, table food almost 100% which has made my life so much easier.  He eats the majority of the food that the family now eats for the three meals of the day.  I don't remember any of our other three children being done with store-bought, baby food at this young of an age, but I think that he has made this transition earlier since he is the fourth child and it is just so much more convenient for me.  Emmett is really growing so fast and is looking so big and grown-up these days.  He is wearing his 12-month clothes quite comfortably and probably weights close to 25 pounds (since he weighed 22 pounds at his 9-month check-up).
We also moved Emmett full-time into his crib in Logan's room last month, so he now is a nightly roommate for Logan which his older brother loves (since Logan is afraid of sleeping alone in his bedroom right now).  Emmett still faithfully takes a morning and an afternoon every day and sleeps through the night about 50% of the time.  I never had him 'cry it out' last month since he flip flops every week between falling back asleep after having his pacifier plugged in and needing to be nursed back to sleep.  He usually will sleep one way for 2 to 3 nights at a time before flipping back to the other way for 2-3 nights.  It is a vast improvement from the previous, two months when I had to nurse him back to sleep every night.  So, as of  right now, I am just nursing him when he needs it and am grateful for all of other times that I can just 'plug him in' to get him to fall back asleep in the middle of the night.  Emmett also continues to smile and laugh a ton and loves interacting with his siblings and parents.  He loves to clap his hands and pat us on our hands or on the back.  He also has started to throw little tantrums whenever we take away something from him that he isn't happy about.  It is the funniest thing, especially when he lays face-down on the floor and cries his little heart out.  Oh this boy.  We just love him to pieces and can't wait to enjoy our first holiday season with him!

Baby Emmett smiling for me while holding a little, wooden turkey.

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