Monday, January 11, 2021

24 Months Old!

Well, here we are.  Emmett's last monthly post of his life.  I started writing these monthly updates when Lia was one month old and decided that it would only be fair if I continued to write one for the first 24 months of each of my children's lives.  I will be honest, it definitely got more challenging to find the time with the addition of every child as life got more busy, but I am grateful that I forced myself to be consistent and do the same for Emmett until his second birthday.  Hopefully, he will enjoy reading all of these monthly updates one day when he is grown.  
So, where to even start with this boy?  He is so big and so busy and so much fun.  I took him to his 2-year check-up today and he is in the 89th percentile for weight and 92nd percentile for height.  He is such a happy, busy, active boy when all of his basic needs are met.  Emmett loves playing with his siblings and still loves being outside as much as possible.  He loves playing with balls and has fallen in love with football during this Seahawks season.  He calls it "upball" and can recognize football just by seeing it on TV for a few seconds or seeing a Seahawks emblem on a shirt of on a flag, etc.  It's rather impressive.  His vocabulary has continued to expand this month and he has started to say two word phrases on a regular basis like "read book" or "sorry Ella."  He has also stated to say, "Oh No," in this worried, concerned voice when something goes wrong and "Okay" in this funny, monotone voice when we tell him something that he agrees with or is okay with.  It really is so funny.
Emmett still eats like a horse at every meal, but continues to refuse certain meats and vegetables at dinner time.  He also still takes a long, 2 to 3 hour nap every afternoon after lunch which is such a life saver for me.  He still sleeps from about 8:30/9 every night until 7/7:30 in the morning and is now requiring to be rocked back to sleep almost every time he wakes up in the middle of the night instead of taking a pacifier.  As annoying as this is, he normally only needs me to do this about once a night and it only takes about ten or so minutes.  I normally fall asleep pretty fast when I go back into bed, so I still wake up most mornings feeling pretty rested.  
Emmett continues to LOVE Elmo and enjoys watching an Elmo movie most mornings.  This has really started to save me during the days of the week when I am trying to homeschool Ella and Logan when my mom or dad are not here to watch him (which happens one or two mornings a week).  Emmett usually will stay on the couch and watch an Elmo movie with the volume on low for several minutes at a time before he gets bored and gets up wanting some attention.  Emmett has also figured out to open a door if it is unlocked and I am still surprised to see him come into my bedroom if the door is closed.  He also still loves anything to do with trucks, cars, and trains and can play with them for hours or watch real ones drive by our house for hours.  Emmett also enjoys reading books and will happily sit in my lap (or Lia's or Ron's) for several minutes while we read four to five board books to him before his nap and before bedtime.  He loves pointing out things in pictures or asking questions.  Emmett also likes to play hide-and-go-seek games with us and just enjoys getting one-on-one attention from anyone which has happened a lot this school year with Ella and Logan as they regularly take breaks during the morning while I am homeschooling the other one.  I have really been grateful for all three of my older kids' help this year watching him and playing with him.  That's our big, two-year old in a nutshell!  And now it's on to toddlerdom!

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