Monday, February 15, 2021

A Snow Storm Finally!

About a week ago, I noticed that all of the weather forecasts started to predict the possibility of snow falling in the lowlands over President's weekend.  As the days got closer, they started to talk about a series of three snowstorms arriving on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with rain coming on Sunday.  Although I have learned to take these snowy predictions with a grain of salt over the years, I really started to get my hopes up that we might have a winter wonderland to play in over the holiday weekend.  I am so happy to report that this is exactly what happened!  Although it snowed lightly all day long on Thursday, it didn't start to stick until late that evening.  This turned out to be a good thing as it allowed Ella to go to her last day of school before the vacation and to go to her last swim class of the session.  It also allowed Logan to go to his soccer 31 degree weather!  After everything was checked off of our calendar for the week, the stow started to stick!  
We woke up Friday morning to just an inch of snow, but it was enough for the kids and me to go out and play in during the morning which gave us something to do on our first day of break.  After dinner, it started to snow and it snowed all night long!  When we woke up Saturday morning, there was 5.5 inches of snow on the ground!  It snowed on and off all day Saturday and we had about 7 inches by the end of the day.  It was so wonderful and beautiful and we enjoyed playing in it three times that day during the morning, the afternoon, and also the evening as the sun set.  Although it snowed a little more on Sunday, it started to rain while we were out playing in it one last time around lunch time.  After it rained most of Sunday evening, there was very little evidence of it by Monday.  As depressing as it was to see it wash away so fast, I am so grateful that we got one big snowstorm to enjoy this winter--especially on a holiday weekend when I had very little planned on the calendar!

Here is screenshot I took of the weather forecast on the morning of Thursday, February 11th.

The group pic I got of the kids in our backyard on the morning of Friday, February 12th.

Emmett was so excited to see "no" again after our trip to Priest Lake six weeks ago!  He enjoyed being pulled around by Logan in the sled.

A darling photo of my little, snow bunny.

A happy Ella smiling for me.

Another shot of Emmett in the snow.

Logan perched in a tree.

The boys getting ready to slide down the snowy slide for the first time.

Down they go!

Although Lia waited until the next day to take some AGD pictures in the snow for her Instagram page, Ella couldn't wait to dress her new doll up in some warm clothes and take her outside with our doll-sized dog sled.

A photo of our snowy backyard with the snow falling on the morning of Saturday, February 13th.  Although Ron had made reservations a few weeks ago to take Lia and Logan "skoarding" at White Pass, he decided to cancel last minute after the resort posted treacherous road conditions on the drive up there.  This actually turned out to be a good thing so that we all could enjoy sledding and playing in the snow together on the best, snowy day of the weekend.

The ruler showing almost 7 inches of snow on our deck.

Another group photo I took of the kids in our backyard 24 hours later in a lot deeper layer of snow.

Our cute snow bunny ready to go again for another round of play!

Ella pulling her AG doll in the sled around our backyard.

Logan sliding down a fresh batch of snow on our slide.

The brothers going down the slide again!

Ella posing with her bundled up doll.

Logan falling into the soft snow.

The three older kids making snow angels.

Ella laying in her snow angel with her doll laying on top.

Emmett attempting to make his own snow angel.

After playing in the backyard for a little bit Saturday morning, all six of us headed up the hill to try out the epic sledding hill that is found on the backside of Lia's new school.  Although we had heard about this sledding hill, we never had discovered it until last Spring when the kids and I would ride our bikes to Lia's school on a daily basis for PE time during the first three months of the pandemic.  Although we had already invited Lia's friend, Elle, and her dad to join us (who were supposed to go "skoarding' with them today), we learned that three other families that we know would be there.  We spent a very fun 1.5 hours there sledding down the hill over and over again.  Here's a picture of the family walking on the snow covered track of Lia's school towards that hill that can be seen off in the distance.

Lia's friend, Mollie, and her family were already there when we arrived.  Here is a darling picture I got of the two girls after they had tubed down the hill.

Logan sledding down the hill.

Ella coming down, too.

Logan and Ella getting ready to walk back up.

Lia coming down the hill by herself.

Although Emmett and I went sledding several times together, he was very clingy to Ron's leg whenever he wasn't on the sled with me.

A picture Ron took of Emmett and me flying down the hill.  We would get going so fast each time that poor Emmett would have to cover his eyes from all of the snow that would blow up into it each time.

Emmett covering his face with his little, mitten-covered hands.

Both Logan and Ella started sledding down the hill in a standing position.  Although I didn't get any pictures of Ella, she got really good squatting down low and flying down the hill in this position.  Several of our friends were totally impressed with her coordination and balance!

A darling picture of Lia with her three friends that joined us there.

Sienna, Lia, Mollie, and Ella.

Since I was originally planning on being home with just Ella and Emmett today, I had invited Ella's friend, Brinley, to come over for a playdate during Emmett's nap.  We decided to still keep the playdate even with the snow and everyone being home.  Brinley came over in the afternoon and the girls spent two hours of the 2.5 hours playing outside together.  They are such cute, little friends!  Here they are playing in the backyard together.

I then took Ella, Brinley, and Logan sledding on the road in front of the house during Emmett's nap.  This is only the second time we have ever been able to sled down our own hill since we have lived here.  Here are the two girls ready to go!

Ella and Brinley sledding down the hill.

Since we had to share our sleds with Lia and her friend, Elle, for part of the time, Logan decided to build a snow throne at the top of the hill to keep himself busy while waiting.

Ella showed Brinley how to stand while sledding down the hill and, before I knew it, these two girls figured out a way to do it together.  They looked so cute doing this together and it was really amazing to see how far they could get before falling down onto the street into a pile of laughter.

Down they go!

Although it started to rain on us, we enjoyed playing in the snow one last time on Sunday morning, February 14th.  Here is Ella posing next to the snowman that she and Brinley had built the day before.

Logan also built his own snowman on Saturday.  Here he is posing with his new buddy.

Although the snow disappeared at the bottom of the slide and became a muddy mess, Emmett loved going down it face first over and over again this morning.

Thanks to the rain, the snow finally became sticky enough for Logan to break out his snowball launcher that he got earlier this fall.  Here he is shooting a snowball in our backyard.

We eventually moved to the front yard on Sunday morning to try out the sledding on our road one more time (which didn't work).  We ended up building a sledding ramp down our front steps that we used several times before calling it quits and heading back into the house in the early afternoon.  Here is Lia posing by the snow puff that had piled up on the hedge in our front yard.

Logan decided to clear the sidewalk in front of our yard.

Ella made one last snow angel in our next door neighbor's yard.

Since I was behind the camera for all of the other snow pictures, I asked Ron to take one of the kids and me as proof that I really was there!  Oh, how I love playing in the snow with my children.  It's honestly one of my favorite things to do!

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