Saturday, February 6, 2021

Logan's Minecraft Birthday Party

Although no one that we know is having indoor birthday parties right now, I just decided last month to go ahead and host a small, friend birthday party for all three of my older children in the months of February and March because I am so tired of them missing out on so many wonderful activities during this time of their lives.  As a result, I sent out a text a month of going taking a "survey" from seven moms of Logan's friends and, to my surprise, six of them wrote back and said that they would feel comfortable sending their son to Logan's party.  I was so relieved and so happy since I really wanted Logan to have a little, birthday party this year.  Just by luck, our county moved into the latest version of Phase 2 on February 1st which allows indoor gatherings of up to 5 people outside of our household.  Although I would have gone ahead and hosted this party anyways, for peace of mind sake, it was nice to just be one person over the limit of maximum people allowed at our house instead of totally being in violation of our county's Covid requirements. 
When Logan and I talked about his party a few weeks ago, I suggested that we have a Minecraft theme since he is totally obsessed with this video game after getting his first tablet for Christmas.  It is the perfect game for him because it is just like a virtual version of building Legos and this boy absolutely loves building and creating things, especially Legos.  After shopping at Target and Party City and perusing online for ideas, I was able to come up with a simple plan for his friend party.  Since I knew that my time would be limited to plan and prepare for this party, I knew that I wouldn't be able to put together an elaborate party like in years past.  Luckily, I think that I was able to pull off a fun and successful party today with several Minecraft games that Logan really enjoyed.  It was so fun to watch him having fun with his friends while making his craft, playing games, and opening gifts.  I just love my Logie boy and I hope that he felt loved and celebrated today.

The kitchen all decorated and ready to go.

The Minecraft cake that I made using an edible image that I ordered off of ebay.

The tablescape in all of its Minecraft glory.  We used the two, Lego Minecraft sets that Logan already owned as decorations on either side of the birthday cake.

After seeing this online, Logan insisted that we have a Nether Portal leading into the party room.  Luckily, we had the perfect place to make one and it didn't take that long with his help last night.

The decorated fireplace and mantle in the family room with the large Creeper that I made out of floral foam blocks.

Logan decided to create Ghasts all on his own after realizing we had a spare bag of white balloons.  He stuck them all over the walls in the family room and they looked quite cute.

Logan standing outside next to the "Welcome" sign he made for his party.

When the kids first arrived, we had them color some Minecraft coloring pages.

After everyone arrived, the kids kids colored a Creeper block head that I had Ron cut, sand, and paint out of spare wood in his workshop.

Mason and Aaron coloring away.

The group showing off their Creeper, block faces before starting games.

We first played three rounds of Minecraft Bingo with cards that I found off of the internet.  The kids all really enjoyed playing this game.

Lia helped me read off the numbers and pictures for their Bingo cards.  It was so nice to have her help and Ron's throughout the entire party.

We then played Musical Blocks with different kinds of ore. If a child was standing on a specific ore block when the music stopped, they turned in their block in exchange for a piece of candy.

We then played Musical TNT.  If they sat on the chair that had a picture of TNT taped to the bottom of it when the music stopped, they were eliminated from the game.

We then played three rounds of Knock Over the Creeper (that I had made out of foam blocks) with beanbags.  Most kids advanced to the third round and only one child was able to knock it over from the distance of this final round.

Logan, Eli, and Aaron waiting for someone to knock over the Creeper before putting it back together.

Logan throwing the beanbag from the third line.

Four of the boys used the couch cushions as protection from the flying beanbags after they had been eliminated from the game.  I thought that they looked so funny!

We finished off the games by playing "Keep the Wither Up in the Air" which is a game we have played at many of our parties over the years.  I just have to change the color and the name of the balloon to make it work.  They all seemed to get a kick out of this for a minute or two before we turned off the music and wrapped it up.

Logan then enjoyed opening up all six of his gifts from his friends.  Every friend gave him a Lego set--five of which were Minecraft theme!  Needless to say, this will help to keep him busy for the next week or two!  Here he is opening up Eli's gift.

Logan opening up Mason B.'s gift.

Logan showing off Mason C.'s Lego set.

Logan reading Aaron's card before opening his gift.  Everyone was so kind and generous with what they gave him.

We finished off the party by gathering around the table to eat cake and ice cream.  Since we decided that it wasn't safe for Logan to blow on his birthday cake, we found a fan for him to use to fan out the candle flames.  Here he is waiting for us to sing "Happy Birthday" to him.

Logan fanning out his candles.  Yet another crazy change in our lives due to the pandemic.

Ella enjoying her cake and ice cream.

Logan eating away.

A group shot of the gang enjoying their dessert.

Although Emmett slept through the first half of the party (thanks to three fans blowing in his bedroom), he woke up halfway through and just chilled on the couch with Lia or Ron as we finished up games and opened gifts.  He then enjoyed eating his own cake and ice cream with the group.  Here is a shot of our little cutie doing what he does best!

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