Monday, July 12, 2021

Our July Trip to Priest Lake

We just returned yesterday from our annual family trip to Priest Lake in July.  Since our part of the country has been experiencing record high temperatures ever since the middle of June, we were blessed with unbelievable weather in the high 90s almost every single day while we were there.  In addition, the water temperature was the hottest we have ever seen!  Although it was a whoppin' 80 degrees when my parents arrived on July 1st (which is just unheard of), it remained 78 degrees the entire week we were there which was still amazing.  In addition, there was a wonderful, warm breeze that blew every afternoon which is something that I can only remember feeling a few other times.  Since it was just my parents in addition to our own family, we were blessed with the most peaceful, relaxing, and wonderful week which was such a blessing for me.  I was able to take a nap every single day while Emmett napped which helped recharge me for our marathon trip to North Carolina that we are leaving for in just a few days.  
The only thing that went wrong all week long was the propeller falling off  of our boat within minutes of us launching it for the first time this summer on the morning after we arrived.  Although I drove the boat back alone from the boat launch, the propeller luckily did not fall off until I slowed the boat down several hundred feet away from the dock.  I was then able to hop out and physically pull the boat down the shoreline (using a rope) until I got it safely back to our dock.  As a result of this mishap, we were without a working boat the entire week we were there with the exception of the very last day since we had to wait for a new propeller to be shipped from Spokane to my parent's boat mechanic who lives on the other side of the lake.  Luckily, my parent's good friend and nextdoor neighbor allowed us to use his boat for my morning ski runs all week long--so I only missed out on skiing the first morning when we launched our boat.  I was so grateful for their generosity and kindness!   
Overall, it was a great vacation full of fun in the sun and in the water.  I am always so grateful to my parents for making this wonderful vacation spot possible for us to use and enjoy with my family every summer!  I know that I have said it before, but I will say it again...I heart Priest Lake.  It is one of my all-time, favorite places in all the world!
Although I didn't take any pictures during our first day there, this is the cute selfie that Ron took of the three of us enjoying relaxing on the dock on the afternoon of July 6th.

Since our neighbor loaned us his boat, I was able to get Ella up on water skis (for the second summer in a row) on the morning of July 7th after I had done my morning ski.  In addition, Ron tried skiing for the first time in ten or so years and got up on his second try.  Although Lia has mastered getting up on two-skis and staying up inside the wake for the past several summers, she was unable to get up this morning which was a disappointment to both of us.  Logan also tried three times, but wasn't able to get up either.  Although he got up once two summers ago, he absolutely refused to try last year.  So, I was grateful that he was willing to give it a try this summer.  Here is the picture my mom was able to take of Ella of one of the three times that she got up this morning.  I was so proud of her!

Ella was so brave every time she crashed and patiently waited for either Ron or me to swim out to meet her.  Normally, she is afraid of swimming out into the "dark" water in the lake, but she did a great job being brave and didn't panic while she waited to try to get up again.  She even managed to smile for me as I took this picture of her from the boat.

After our water skiing session that last most of the morning, we enjoyed playing in the water.  Here are Lia and Ella cruising around on the paddle board.

Although Emmett warmed up to the water by the afternoon of our second day there, he was quite skittish at first and only would go into the shallow water near the beach.

Brothers hanging out on the dock together.

Like last year, Logan loved paddling around in the little, red kayak.

Mommy and son paddling around together.

By the afternoon of July 7th, Ron convinced Emmett to jump into his arms from a sitting position on the dock.  This started a game that Emmett fell in love with and wanted to play every single time he saw one of us get into the water the rest of the week.

Emmett jumping to daddy.

My cute, 2-year old boy!

Lia balancing on the shoulders of Ron.  This is a trick the two of them have been doing for years.

This is the hilarious picture I took of Emmett hanging out in the TV room with Logan and grandpa.  Emmett had apparently run upstairs and gotten two of his ya yas--one to share with grandpa and one to use himself.  They both put their pacifiers in their mouths backwards and were laughing at each other when I walked into the room.  I told my dad that this was a huge token of Emmett's love to share one of his beloved pacifiers with him.

On Thursday, July 8th, Ron took the three older children on a marathon adventure to Silverwood Theme Park two hours away in Athol, Idaho.  They were gone from 8 a.m. to 12:15 a.m.  Yes, that's right.  They were gone for over 16 hours.  The kids and Ron had a great time playing in the waterpark all morning and then spending the rest of the day and evening in the amusement park.  I stayed behind at the cabin with Emmett and my parents and thoroughly enjoyed a more quiet and peaceful day.  In addition, Emmett and I had so much fun playing together for a few hours in the morning and in the afternoon down at the beach and in the water together.  It was so nice to just be able to focus my undivided attention on him for one day!

Ella cruising around on one of the rides.

The kids enjoying an afternoon snack of Dippin' Dots to help them cool off!

Ella at the helm taking Ron for a spin on another ride.

The kids standing next to a welcome sign on their way out after a very long day.  As a side note, Ron and the kids left after a very long day at 9:30 p.m. and should have gotten home by 11:30.  However, they got delayed by 30 minutes due to traffic being stopped on Highway 2 after a truck rolled off the road.  The fact that they were stuck in traffic this late at night on this country road is just crazy and so not normal!  

Emmett playing around with THREE ya yas in his mouth while his siblings were away!  Normally, at home, all of his pacifiers are in a jar way up high in his room that he cannot get to on his own!  Since he was able to sneak upstairs and crawl into his pack 'n play to get to his pacifiers whenever he felt like it this week, he was constantly coming downstairs with one, two ,or three in his mouth.  Oh, that boy...

Emmett enjoyed some one-on-one time playing with grandma while I made dinner on Thursday evening.

Since the group was exhausted from a long day and late night, no one else wanted to go water skiing with me on Friday morning.  Here are Ella, Ron, and Emmett hanging out on the dock after I had returned from my morning ski.

I managed to ask my mom to take our only family picture all week long.

The Hartland fam surrounded by Priest Lake.

After being afraid at first, I was able to force Emmett to sit in my lap in the kayak with my mom's help.  Within a minute or so, he realized how much he loved it (like he did last summer) and let me take him on several kayak rides the rest of the week.  Here we are cruising around on the morning of July 9th.

Mommy and Emmy loving life in the kayak.

Lia and Logan joined us for a morning cruise on their paddle boards.

Ella discovered that she could do a cartwheel into the water and did this many times throughout the week.  Here is the awesome picture that I managed to get of her.

My little gymnast emerging from the water.

Logan doing one of his self-taught flips into the water.

Lia and Logan jumping into the water together.

Emmy watching all of the action from the edge of the dock.

Emmett jumping into my arms.

Emmy and mama in the water together.

Oh, how I love this boy!

Cruising around with Logan again.

Lia and I relaxing on the water mat.

Ella and Logan opened up their beachside cafe again this year and made several amazing "meals" for us.  Here is Ella showing off one of her culinary creations.

Playing with Emmett and Ella on the beach.

Ella and I smiling for the camera while Emmett poured water into the spinning toy.

The cutest, little boy ever.

Ella showing off her dolphin-shaped sand creation she made on the dock.

Since July 9th was Ron's and my 16th anniversary (gasp!), my mom suggested that we treat ourselves to dinner at the Cavanaugh Bay Resort and leave the children behind with them.  We spent a beautiful evening eating on the deck overlooking the marina.  This is the second time that we have spent our anniversary at this resort and it sure is the perfect place to celebrate!

On our last morning, July 10th, our family was finally able to use our boat after it had been fixed the afternoon before.  I was able to go out on one last, glorious ski of the week.

There are just a few things in life that make me as happy as water skiing on glassy water on Priest Lake.  I just love it.

Ron going for his second run of the week.

Ron skiing on perfect water with the beautiful mountains in the background.

Although Logan refused to try again and Lia was unable to get up, Ella agreed to give it a go and got up on her second try this morning.  Here is my cute thing getting up from the water.

And off she goes leaving me in the spray behind her.

Sweet Emmy walking down the gangplank of the dock.

Since we finally had our own boat back, we felt comfortable to take it out on a little excursion Saturday morning.  We decided to go visit our favorite group beach in Canoe Point since the beach is so stunning there!

We were the first boat there, but by the time we left two hours later, the beach was packed with about ten more boats who had showed up after us.  I am grateful for the time we had alone on this beautiful beach!

Emmett loved "swimming" in the shallow water with daddy.

My cute boy smiling at me!

Ron enjoyed throwing the football around with the boys.

Brothers at play.

Logan getting ready to throw the ball to his dad.

Siblings who swim together, stay together.

Ron had fun throwing Logan up into the air several times while we were at this beach.  Here is the hilarious picture I managed to take of Logan flying through the air.

Emmy and mama cuddling in the water.

Ella spent most of her time at the beach building a very elaborate and detailed, fairy house.  Here she is showing off the finished product.

Of course, Logan had to get in on the fun and made his own creation down the beach from Ella's.  Here he is posing with his house, complete with a slide and detached shed.  Oh, how I love these creative kids of mine!

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