Saturday, September 11, 2021


This little monkey turned 2 and 2/3 years old today!  He is such a big boy now that this really doesn't come as much of a surprise to me.  Emmett is getting so tall and long that he almost takes up the entire length of his crib.  In addition, his vocabulary development has been out of control lately and he now speaks in complete sentences all the time.  I can't remember what is "normal" for a boy of his age, but I know that it is probably not as advanced as Emmett.  He is rough, tough, and wild and constantly is throwing things, breaking things, and messing up things.  I don't love this part of his personality, but if he is anything like Logan, I know that he will outgrow this one day.  Emmett also has a controlled, calm side of his personality and loves being read to and sitting on the ground and playing a quiet game, like pushing his choo choo trains around on the tracks.  He also recently discovered painting (by requesting it all on his own while I was on the phone the other day) and really loves sitting at the kitchen table doing this activity.  Emmett is still in love with all things trucks, construction, and especially trains.  Oh, how he loves trains!  He loves playing with his toys trains, seeing real trains go by in our town, and watching Thomas the Train on TV.  He also really enjoys listening to music in the car and at home and loves singing songs with us, too.  He often times will tell me to turn up the music in the car when one of his favorite songs comes on the radio.  Emmett continues to be a great eater for the most part and still takes a marathon nap every afternoon for 2 to 3 hours.  He has also turned a massive corner on his nighttime sleeping at the end of May (hooray!) and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night anymore.  When he does wake up, he normally just needs a little drink of water or his pacifier put back in his mouth before laying right back down.  Ron and I are no longer required to rock him back to sleep which has saved my life!  Emmett has really loved all of the warm, outside playtime we have had this summer.  He absolutely loved playing in the water all summer long, playing on the playground in our backyard, and riding his little trike on the sports court and on the sidewalk in front of our house.  He has also loved playing with his siblings, cousins, and nextdoor neighbors, Poppy and Daisy.  He is also totally ready to potty train and is able to pee in his little potty any time he asks to try.  As pathetic as it is, I am just not ready to take the plunge yet.  I thought we would dive into potty training full speed after school started, but I am still too exhausted from the summer to face the challenges that come with it.  So, hopefully, I will have good news to report in the next month or two if I can get around to potty training him soon.
Emmett has definitely developed a naughty side to his personality.  He intentionally disobeys us some times, likes to throw things at his siblings and chase them around with toys (especially Ella), and also has picked up on saying some not-so-nice words that he learned from his siblings and me.  During our trip to the Outer Banks, Emmett started saying "Poopie Ella" and then it evolved into "Darn, poopie Ella."  When he is unhappy with anyone in the house, he will say, "Poopie Mama" or "Poopie Logie," etc.  However, Ella gets the brunt of it and he will just say "Poopie Ella" for no reason at all some times.  No matter what we say or do, he has yet to stop which is a bit frustrating as I have never had a two-year old talk like this before.  And although he doesn't throw nearly as many as his older brother, Emmett also has picked up on the art of tantrum throwing and laying down on the ground while kicking and screaming--both at home, outside, or in a public place.  Since I now have bad knees and an injured back, there is no way that I can pick him up anymore, so it makes for some "interesting" moments for us--especially when we are in public.  Luckily, most of his tantrums have occurred at home.  
Terrible two antics set aside, we still just love our Emmy to pieces!  He has such a brilliant smile (that friends and strangers comment on) and just makes us laugh every day!  He is such a happy, funny, little guy and runs around our house like he owns the place.  We all still just think that he is so adorable and are so grateful that he is a part of our family!  Love you, Emmy Bemms! 

After taking his picture, Emmett asked me to take a few of him jumping off of the chair.  Here he is ready to go!  I just love that large smile on his face!

Emmett in mid-air!

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